FeynCalc is a Mathematica package for algebraic calculations in Quantum Field Theory and semi-automatic evaluation of Feynman Diagrams.
Basic objects
- Abbreviation - gives a shortname for name (in
- AntiQuarkField, QuarkField, QuarkFieldPsi, QuarkFieldPsiDagger, QuarkFieldChi, QuarkFieldChiDagger - name of a fermionic field
- CA, CF - Casimir operator eigenvalues of SU(N)
- CGA, CGS, CGAD, CGSD, CGAE, CGSE - representation of Dirac matrices with Cartesian indices or Dirac matrices contracted to 3-momenta
- CSI, CSID, CSIE, CSIS, CSISD, CSISE - Pauli matrices with Cartesian indices or Pauli matrices contracted to 3-momenta
- CSP, CSPD, CSPE - scalar products of 3-momenta
- CV, CVD, CVE - Cartesian 3-vectors
- CartesianIndex - Cartesian index
- CartesianMomentum - internal representation of 3-momenta
- CartesianPair - special pairing used in the internal representation to represent Kronecker deltas, 3-vectors or Cartesian scalar products
- DiracBasis - can be used as a separator in the SPVAT-decomposition
- DeltaFunction, DeltaFunctionPrime, DeltaFunctionDoublePrime - Dirac delta function and its derivatives
- DiracGamma, GA, GA5, GS, GAD, GSD, GAE, GSE - Dirac matrices and Feynman slashes
- GALP, GALN, GALR, GALPD, GALND, GALRD, GSLP, GSLN, GSLR, GSLPD, GSLND, GSLRD - Lightcone components of Dirac matrices and Feynman slashes
- DiracIndexDelta, DIDelta - Kronecker delta in the Dirac space
- DiracSigma - denotes \frac{i}{2}[\gamma^\mu, \gamma^\nu]
- DOT - noncommutative multiplication sign
- Eps, LC, LCD, CLC, CLCD - totally antisymmetric \varepsilon (Levi-Civita) tensor
- EpsilonUV, EpsilonIR, Epsilon - \varepsilon from dimensional regularization
- ExplicitLorentzIndex, LorentzIndex - Lorentz index
- ExplicitDiracIndex, DiracIndex - Dirac index
- ExplicitPauliIndex, PauliIndex - Pauli index
- ExplicitSUNIndex, SUNIndex - SU(N) adjoint index
- ExplicitSUNFIndex, SUNFIndex - SU(N) fundamental index
- FAD, SFAD, CFAD, GFAD, FeynAmpDenominator - denominators of Feynman amplitudes
- FCGV - a global variable
- FCIteratedIntegral - Chen’s iterated integral
- FCHPL, FCGPL - harmonic and Goncharov polylogarithms
- FCPartialFractionForm - partial fractioned form of rational functions
- FCTensor, FCVariable, FreeIndex, GrassmannParity, ImplicitDiracIndex, ImplicitPauliIndex, ImplicitSUNFIndex, NegativeInteger, NonCommutative, PositiveInteger, PositiveNumber - various datatypes
- FUNCTION - declaration of functions for Write2
- DCHN, DiracChain - Dirac chain with explicit open Dirac indices
- FeynAmp, FeynAmpList - Feynman amplitudes
- FCPartialD, LeftNablaD, LeftRightNablaD, LeftRightNablaD2, LeftPartialD, LeftRightPartialD, LeftRightPartialD2, RightNablaD, RightPartialD - partial derivatives acting on operators
- FCTopology - representation of a loop integral family topology
- FV, FVD, FVE - Minkowskian 4-vectors
- FVLP, FVLN, FVLR, FVLPD, FVLND, FVLRD - Lightcone components of Minkowskian 4-vectors
- GaugeField - name of a gauge field
- GaugeXi - gauge parameter \xi
- GluonField - name of a gluon field
- IFPD - denotes p^2 - m^2
- KD, KDD, KDE - Cartesian Kronecker delta \delta^{ij}
- Li2, Li3, Li4 - polylogarithms of different weights
- LightConePerpendicularComponent - internal representation for perpendicular components of 4-momenta and Lorentz indices
- Momentum - internal representation of 4-momenta
- MT, MTD, MTE - metric tensor g^{\mu \nu}
- MTLP, MTLN, MTLR, MTLPD, MTLND, MTLRD - Lightcone components of the metric tensor g^{\mu \nu}
- Nf - number of flavors n_f
- Pair - special pairing used in the internal representation to represent the metric, scalar products or 4-vectors
- PCHN, PauliChain - Pauli chain with explicit open Pauli indices
- PauliEta, PauliXi - Pauli spinors
- PauliIndexDelta, PIDelta - Kronecker delta in the Pauli space
- PauliSigma - internal representation of Pauli matrices
- Polarization - internal representation of polarizations
- PolarizationVector - polarization vector
- PlusDistribution - a special distribution
- PropagatorDenominator, PD, StandardPropagatorDenominator, CartesianPropagatorDenominator, GenericPropagatorDenominator - internal representation of propagator denominators
- QuantumField - generic name of a quantum field
- ScaleMu - \mu scale in dimensional regularization
- SD, SUNDelta - Kronecker delta for adjoint SU(N) indices
- SDF, SUNFDelta - Kronecker delta for fundamental SU(N) indices
- SI, SID, SIE, SIS, SISD, SISE - Pauli matrices with Lorentz indices or Pauli matrices contracted to 4-momenta
- SmallDelta, SmallEpsilon - some small positive numbers
- SmallVariable - small variable to be used as a regulator in Passarino-Veltman functions
- Spinor, SpinorU, SpinorUBar, SpinorV, SpinorVBar, SpinorUD, SpinorUBarD, SpinorVD, SpinorVBarD - Dirac spinors
- SP, SPD, SPE - scalar products of 4-momenta
- SPLP, SPLN, SPLR, SPLPD, SPLND, SPLRD - Lightcone components of Mikowskian scalar products
- StandardMatrixElement - special head for isolating Dirac and color structures from the rest of the expression
- SUND - structure constant d^{abc} in SU(N)
- SUNF - structure constant f^{abc} in SU(N)
- SUNN - n_c in SU(N)
- SUNT, SUNTF - T^a_{ij} of SU(N) in the fundamental representation
- TC - temporal component of a 4-vector, i.e. p^0
- TGA - temporal component of a Dirac matrix, i.e. \gamma^0
- TemporalMomentum - internal representation of temporal components of 4-momenta
- TemporalPair - special pairing used in the internal representation to represent temporal components of 4-vectors
- Tf - T_F group constant of SU(N)
- Zeta2, Zeta4, Zeta6, Zeta8, Zeta10 - Riemann zeta functions \zeta_{2k} of different even weights
Basic functions
- Apart1, Apart3 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- Cases2 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- Coefficient2 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- Combine - alternative to Mathematica’s
- Complement1 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- Collect2, Collect3 - alternatives to Mathematica’s
- DataType - defines data types
- Expand2 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- ExpandAll2 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- Explicit - inserts explicit expressions for certain objects
- Factor1, Factor2, Factor3 - alternatives to Mathematica’s
- FactorList2 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- FC - changes the output format to FeynCalcForm
- FCAbbreviate - introduces abbreviations
- FCAntiSymmetrize - antisymmetrizes with respect to the given variables
- FCDeclareHeader, FCPrint, FCReloadAddOns, FCReloadFunctionFromFile - for writing or debugging new FeynCalc functions or add-ons
- FCClearCache, FCMemoryAvailable, FCShowCache, FCUseCache - cache management
- FCCheckSyntax - checks for syntax errors in the input expressions
- FCCheckVersion - checks the FeynCalc version
- FCCompareResults - compares results of different calculations
- FCCompareNumbers - compares (semi)numerical expressions
- FCDisableTraditionalFormOutput, FCEnableTraditionalFormOutput - turns the
output off or on
- FCFactorOut - factors out the given prefactor
- FCFilePatch - patches files using regular expressions
- FCGetNotebookDirectory - alternative to Mathematica’s
- FCHighlight - highlights selected variables
- FCE, FeynCalcExternal - converts the expression to the external FeynCalc representation
- FCF, FeynCalcForm - changes the printed output to an easy to read form
- FCI, FeynCalcInternal - converts the expression to the internal FeynCalc representation
- FCMakeIndex - generates indices from strings (useful e.g. for QGRAF input)
- FCMakeSymbols - generates lists of symbols
- FCMatchSolve - solves for matching coefficients and renormalization constants
- FCPatternFreeQ - checks if the expression contains any patterns
- FCProgressBar - a simplistic progress bar
- FCReplaceAll - alternative to Mathematica’s
- FCReorderList - reorder elements of a list
- FCReplaceRepeated - alternative to Mathematica’s
- FCShowReferenceCard - FeynArts cheatsheet
- FCSplit, FCProductSplit, PartitHead, SelectFree, SelectNotFree, SelectFree2, SelectNotFree2, SelectSplit - alternatives to Mathematica’s
- FCSymmetrize - symmetrizes with respect to the given variables
- FeynCalcHowToCite - lists relevant FeynCalc publications
- FI - changes the output format to
- FreeQ2 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- FRH - alternative to Mathematica’s
- ILimit, MLimit - alternatives to Mathematica’s
- Isolate, KK - replaces expressions by abbreviations
- Map2 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- MemSet - memoization depending on the amount of free RAM
- NTerms - alternative to Mathematica’s
- NumericalFactor - gives the overall numerical factor
- NumericQ1 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- Power2 - alternative to Mathematica’s
- PowerFactor, PowerSimplify, XYT - simplification of expressions with exponents
- Series2, Series3 - alternatives to Mathematica’s
- SetStandardMatrixElements - introduces abbreviations for StandardMatrixElements
- Solve2, Solve3 - alternatives to Mathematica’s
- SumP, SumS, SumT - different summations
- TimedIntegrate - alternative to Mathematica’s
- ToFCPartialFractionForm, FromFCPartialFractionForm - switching between the usual and partial fractioned form representations for rational functions
- TBox - helps implementing typesetting rules
- TypesettingExplicitLorentzIndex - typesettings of explicit Lorentz indices
- $TypesettingDim4, $TypesettingDimD, $TypesettingDimE - typesetting of tensors in 4, D and D-4 dimensions
- Variables2 - alternative to Mathematica’s
Lorentz and Cartesian tensors
Dirac algebra
Pauli algebra
Algebra of noncommutative objects
SU(N) algebra
Loop integrals
- A0, A00 - Passarino-Veltman 1-point integrals (tadpoles)
- Apart2 - partial fractions loop integrals (only very simple cases)
- ApartFF, FCLoopCreatePartialFractioningRules - performs partial fraction decomposition of arbitrary loop integrals
- B0, B00, B1, B11 - Passarino-Veltman 2-point integrals (bubbles)
- C0 - Passarino-Veltman 3-point integrals (triangles)
- CTdec, Tdec - calculates tensor decomposition formulas for loop integrals
- D0 - Passarino-Veltman 4-point integrals (boxes)
- DB0 - derivative of B0 with respect to the external momentum
- DB1 - derivative of B1 with respect to the external momentum
- FCApart - backend of [ApartFF](ApartFF), works only on single loop integrals
- FCClausen - Clausen’s function
- FCGramMatrix - generates the Gram matrix from the given momenta
- FCGramDeterminant - calculates the Gram determinant
- FCDiffEqChangeVariables, FCDiffEqSolve - handling of differential equations
- FCHideEpsilon - substitutes \frac{1}{\varepsilon} - \Gamma_E + \log (4 \pi) with \Delta
- FCShowEpsilon - substitutes \Delta with \frac{1}{\varepsilon} - \Gamma_E + \log (4 \pi)
- FCIntegral - head of loop integrals
- FCIteratedIntegralEvaluate, FCIteratedIntegralSimplify - manipulations of Chen’s iterated integrals
- FCFeynmanFindDivergences, FCFeynmanRegularizeDivergence, FCFeynmanParameterJoin, FCFeynmanParametrize, FCFeynmanPrepare, FCFeynmanProjectiveQ, FCFeynmanProjectivize, FCMellinJoin - derivation and manipulation of Feynman parameter integrals
- FCLoopAddEdgeTags, FCLoopGraphPlot, FCLoopIntegralToGraph, FCLoopPropagatorsToLineMomenta - create and plot graphs representing loop integrals
- FCLoopApplyTopologyMappings, FCLoopCreateRuleGLIToGLI, FCLoopFindMomentumShifts, FCLoopFindIntegralMappings, FCLoopFindSubtopologies, FCLoopFindTopologies, FCLoopFindTopologyMappings, FCLoopPakOrder, FCLoopToPakForm - loop integral topology identification and minimization
- FCGraphCuttableQ, FCGraphFindPath - graph manipulations
- FCLoopBasisCreateScalarProducts - auxiliary function that generates all possible loop momenta dependent scalar products
- FCLoopBasisFindCompletion - suggests propagators needed to have a complete loop integral basis
- FCLoopBasisGetSize - returns the number of propagators in a topology
- FCLoopBasisIncompleteQ - checks if the propagators of a loop integral do not form a basis
- FCLoopBasisOverdeterminedQ - checks if the propagators of a loop integral are linearly dependent
- FCLoopBasisSplit - checks if the loop integral factorizes into a product of separate integrals
- FCLoopBasisExtract - auxiliary function that extracts the scalar products from a loop integral
- FCLoopCanonicalize - auxiliary function that canonicalizes free Lorentz indices of 1-loop integrals
- FCLoopCreateRulesToGLI - rewrites scalar products as linear combinations of GLIs with negative indices
- FCLoopEikonalPropagatorFreeQ - checks if the integral contains eikonal propagators
- FCLoopExtract - extracts loop integrals
- FCLoopFindSectors - returns sectors for the given GLIs
- FCLoopFromGLI - converts GLIs into explicit integrals with FeynAmpDenominators
- FCLoopGetEtaSigns - extracts the signs of i \eta from all propagators
- FCLoopGetKinematicInvariants - kinematic invariants from the given topology.
- FCLoopGLIDifferentiate - differentiates GLIs with respect to a scalar variable.
- FCLoopAddScalingParameter, FCLoopGLIExpand - series expansion of expressions with GLIs with respect to a scalar variable
- FCLoopIBPReducableQ - checks if the integral contains propagators raised to integer powers
- FCLoopIntegralToPropagators - auxiliary function that converts a loop integral into a list of propagators
- FCLoopIsolate - wraps loop integrals into specified heads
- FCLoopMixedIntegralQ - checks if the integral depends on both 4-vectors and 3-vectors
- FCLoopMixedToCartesianAndTemporal - eliminates the dependence on 4-vectors by trading them for temporal components and 3-vectors
- FCLoopNonIntegerPropagatorPowersFreeQ - checks if the integral has propagators raised to noninteger powers
- FCLoopPakScalelessQ, FCLoopScalelessQ - detects scaleless loop integrals
- FCLoopPropagatorPowersCombine - combines same propagators into one raised to the corresponding integer power
- FCLoopPropagatorPowersExpand - rewrites propagators raised to integer powers as products of propagators
- FCLoopPropagatorsToTopology - auxiliary function that generates a list of propagators to describe a topology
- FCLoopRemovePropagator - removes specific propagators from given
s or GLI
- FCLoopSamePropagatorHeadsQ - checks if the integral contains different types of propagators
- FCLoopRemoveNegativePropagatorPowers - rewrites propagators rasied to negative integer powers as numerators
- FCLoopSelectTopology - selects topologies belonging for the given
- FCLoopSwitchEtaSign - changes the sign of i \eta in all propagators to 1 or -1
- FCLoopSingularityStructure - useful information on possible UV and IR singularities of the integral
- FCLoopSolutionList - auxiliary function that processes the output of FCLoopCanonicalize
- FCLoopSplit - splits the expressions into pieces that contain different types of loop integrals
- FCLoopTopologyNameToSymbol - converts string topology ids to expressions
- FCLoopTensorReduce - tensor reduction for expressions generated by FCLoopFindTopologies
- FCLoopValidTopologyQ - validates an FCTopology object
- FCMultiLoopTID - tensor reduction of multi-loop integrals (only for non-zero Gram determinants)
- FeynAmpDenominatorCombine - combines products of propagators
- FeynAmpDenominatorExplicit - rewrites FeynAmpDenominator in terms of scalar products and masses
- FeynAmpDenominatorSimplify, FDS - simplifies loop integrals by doing shifts and detects integrals that vanish by symmetry
- FeynAmpDenominatorSplit - splits all FeynAmpDenominators into products of single propagators
- FromGFAD - tries to convert generic propagators (GenericPropagatorDenominator) into the standard ones (StandardPropagatorDenominator, CartesianPropagatorDenominator)
- GammaExpand - rewrites \Gamma(n+m) where n is an integer
- GenPaVe, PaVe - denotes invariant Passarino-Veltman integrals
- GLI - represents generic loop multiloop integrals
- GLIMultiply - local products of GLI objects belonging to the same topology
- Hill - gives the Hill identity
- HypergeometricAC - analytically continues {}_2 F_1 functions
- HypergeometricIR - substitutes a particular integral represenetation for all
- HypergeometricSE - expresses hypergeometric functions by their series expansion
- HypExplicit - expresses hypergeometric functions by their definition in terms of a sum
- HypInt - substitutes {}_2 F_1 functions by their integral definition
- IntegrateByParts, PartialIntegrate - integration by parts for particular Feynman parameter integrals
- NPointTo4Point - rewrites IR-finite 1-loop pentagons in terms of box integrals
- OneLoopSimplify - simplifies 1-loop Feynman diagram amplitudes
- ToHypergeometric - introduces {}_2 F_1
- PaVeToABCD - converts PaVe functions to direct (A0, B0 etc.) functions
- PaVeOrder - orders the arguments of Passarino-Veltman functions in a particular way
- PaVeLimitTo4 - simplifies UV-finite D-dimensional expressions written in terms ofPaVe functions
- PaVeReduce - reduces Passarino-Veltman integrals down to A_0, B_0, C_0 and D_0
- PaVeUVPart - returns the UV-divergent pieces of arbitrary Passarino-Veltman functions
- SimplifyDeltaFunction - applies some simplifications to DeltaFunction
- Sn - denotes \pi^{(n/2)}/(2 \pi)^n
- TarcerToFC - converts TARCER integral into FeynAmpDenominator notation
- TFIOrder - orders the arguments of some
functions in a standard way
- TID - does a 1-loop tensor integral decomposition
- TIDL - library of tensor integral decomposition formulas
- ToDistribution - introduces DeltaFunction, DeltaFunctionPrime and PlusDistribution
- ToFI, ToTFI - converts 1- and 2-loop scalar self-energy integrals to the Tarcer notation
- ToGFAD - converts FADs, SFADs and CFADs to GFADs
- ToPaVe - converts scalar 1-loop integrals to Passarino-Veltman scalar functions
- ToPaVe2 - rewrites Passarino-Veltman functions A0, A00, B0, B1, B00, B11, C0 and D0 as PaVe objects
- ToSFAD - converts FADs to SFADs
- TrickIntegrate - integration of some special distributions
Export and import
Feynman rules and amplitudes
- BackgroundGluonVertex - 3-gluon vertex in the background field gauge
- ComplexConjugate - complex conjugates Feynman amplitudes
- CovariantD - generic covariant derivative
- CovariantFieldDerivative, CDr - covariant field derivative
- DoPolarizationSums, PolarizationSum - sums over polarizations of external vector bosons
- ExpandPartialD - expands dot products of QuantumFields using the Leibniz rule
- ExplicitPartialD - inserts the definition for LeftRightPartialD and LeftRightPartialD2
- FAPatch - patches FeynArts to be compatible with FeynCalc
- FCAttachTypesettingRule, FCRemoveTypesettingRules - attaches custom typesetting rules
- FCFAConvert - converts a FeynArts amplitude to FeynCalc
- FCPrepareFAAmp - auxiliary function for a partial conversion of a FeynArts amplitude to FeynCalc
- FCTP, FCTripleProduct - triple product in 3 dimensions
- FermionSpinSum - constructs Dirac traces out of squared ampliudes with external Dirac fermions
- FeynRule - determines Feynman rules from Lagrangians
- FieldDerivative, FDr - field derivative
- FieldStrength - field strength tensor F^{\mu \nu}
- FunctionalD - functional derivative
- GhostPropagator, GHP - ghost propagator
- GluonGhostVertex, GGV - gluon ghost vertex
- GluonPropagator, GP - gluon propagator
- GluonSelfEnergy - 1-loop gluon self-energy
- GluonVertex, GV - 3- and 4-gluon vertices
- QuarkGluonVertex, QGV - quark gluon vertex
- QuarkPropagator, QP - quark propagator
- ScalarGluonVertex - scalar-scalar-gluon vertex
- ShiftPartialD - shifts partial derivatives acting on QuantumFields using IBPs
- SquareAmplitude - writes |\mathcal{M}|^2 as a list of amplitude products
- SMP - symbols for various SM paremeters
- SMVertex - some SM vertices
- ToStandardMatrixElement - wraps Dirac structures, color structures and polarization vectors with a special head
- QCDFeynmanRuleConvention - signs of Feynman rules in some functions
- $DisableMemSet, $FAPatch, $FCCheckContext, $FCCloudTraditionalForm, $FCTraditionalFormOutput, $FeynArtsDirectory, $FeynCalcDevelopmentVersion, $FeynCalcDirectory, $FeynCalcLastCommitDateHash $FeynCalcStartupMessages, $LoadAddOns, $Multiplications, $RenameFeynCalcObjects - global switches that can be set before loading FeynCalc
- $Containers, $DistributiveFunctions, $DisableMemSet, $FCAdvice, $FCMemoryAvailable, $FCShowIEta, $FortranContinuationCharacter, $KeepLogDivergentScalelessIntegrals, $LeviCivitaSign, $LimitTo4, $LimitTo4IRUnsafe, $VeryVerbose, $FAPatch - global switches that can be changed during the operation of FeynCalc
- $Abbreviations, $AL, $FCTensorList, $FeynCalcVersion, $MU, $NonComm, $ScalarProducts - global variables needed for the proper functioning of FeynCalc
- A0ToB0, AuxiliaryMomenta, B0Real, B0Unique, Bracket, BReduce, CartesianIndexNames, ClearHeads, Collecting, CombineGraphs, CounterT, CouplingConstant, CustomIndexNames, D0Convention, DetectLoopTopologies, Dimension, DiracIndexNames, DiracSpinorNormalization, DiracTraceEvaluate, Divideout, DotPower, DotSimplifyRelations, DropScaleless, DropSumOver, DummyIndex, EpsDiscard, EpsExpand, EpsilonOrder, EtaSign, ExceptHeads, ExcludeMasses, Expanding, ExtraFactor, ExtraPropagators, ExtraVariables, FactorFull, Factoring, FactoringDenominator, Factorout, FAModelsDirectory, FCDoControl, FCJoinDOTs, FCVerbose, FeynmanIntegralPrefactor, FinalFunction, FinalSubstitutions, ForceSave, FORMAbbreviations, FORMEpilog, FORMIdStatements, FORMProlog, FortranFormatDoublePrecision, FunctionLimits, Gauge, IncomingMomenta, IndexPosition, InitialFunction, InitialSubstitutions, InsideDiracTrace, InsidePauliTrace, IntegralTable, IntermediateSubstitutions, IsolateFast, IsolateNames, IsolatePlus, IsolatePrint, IsolateSplit, IsolateTimes, LarinMVV, LightPak, $FCDefaultLightconeVectorN, $FCDefaultLightconeVectorNB, Loop, LoopMomenta, LorentzIndexNames, Mandelstam, MultiLoop, NoSave, NumberOfPolarizations, NotMomentum, OtherLoopMomenta, OutgoingMomenta, PairCollect, PartialDRelations, PatchModelsOnly,PauliIndexNames, PauliReduce, PauliTraceEvaluate, PaVeAutoOrder, PaVeAutoReduce, PaVeIntegralHeads, PaVeOrderList, PostFortranFile, Prefactor, PreferredIntegrals, PreferredTopologies, PreFortranFile, PreservePropagatorStructures, QuarkMass, ReduceGamma, ReduceToScalars, Rename, SameSideExternalEdges, SchoutenAllowNegativeGain, SchoutenAllowZeroGain, SelectGraphs, SetDimensions, SmallVariables, SplitSymbolicPowers, SubLoop, SubtopologyMarker, SUNFJacobi, SUNIndexNames, SUNFIndexNames, SUNTraceEvaluate, SUNNToCACF, TraceDimension, TraceOfOne, Transversality, TransversePolarizationVectors, UndoChiralSplittings, UsePaVeBasis, UseTIDL, UseWriteString, VirtualBoson, West, WriteOut, WriteOutPaVe, WriteStringOutput, ZeroMomentumInsertion - options of various functions and symbols
- CalculateCounterTerm, GO, Integratedx, $MIntegrate, $OPEWard, OPE, OPE1Loop, OPE2TID, OPEDelta, OPEi, OPEInt, OPEIntegrate, OPEIntegrate2, OPEIntegrateDelta, OPEj, OPEk, OPEl, OPEm, OPEn, OPEo, OPESum, OPESumExplicit, OPESumSimplify, QO, SO, SOD, SymbolicSum2, SymbolicSum3, Twist2AlienOperator, Twist2CounterOperator, Twist2GluonOperator, Twist2QuarkOperator, Twist3QuarkOperator, Twist4GluonOperator - various (often unfinished and undocumented) functions for QCD OPE calculations
Deprecated or legacy functions