Collect2[expr, x]
collects together terms which are not free of any occurrence of x
Collect2[expr, {x1, x2, ...}]
(or also Collect2[expr, x1, x2, ...]
) collects together terms which are not free of any occurrence of x1, x2, ...
The coefficients are put over a common denominator. If expr
is expanded before collecting depends on the option Factoring
, which may be set to Factor
, Factor2
, or any other function, which is applied to the coefficients. If expr
is already expanded with respect to x
, x2
, …), the option Expanding
can be set to False.
See also
Overview, Isolate.
Collect2[t1 = a + r a + k^2 f[a] - k f[a] + x/2 - y/w, a]
Collect2[t1, a, Factoring -> False]
Collect2[t1, a, Factoring -> Factor]
Collect2[t1, a, Factoring -> Simplify]
Collect2[2 a (b - a) (h - 1) - b^2 (e a - c) + b^2, {a, b}]
Collect2[Expand[(a - b - c - d)^5], a, IsolateNames -> KK]
The option Head
is useful for subsequent manipulations of the output
Collect2[Expand[(a - b - c - d)^5], a, Head -> h]
Collect2[Expand[(a - b - c - d)^5], a, Head -> {h1, h2}]
Collect2[Expand[(a - b - c - d)^5], a, Head -> {Identity, h2}]
Cases2[%, h2]
It is possible to use different factoring functions
Collect2[Expand[(a - b - c)^3], a, Factoring -> fun]
% /. fun -> FactorTerms
Another neat trick is to nest Collect2
using the Factoring
Collect2[Expand[((a1 + a2 + a3)^3 - (b1 + b2 + b3)^3 - (c1 + c2 + c3)^3)^2], {a1, a2, a3},
Factoring -> Function[x, Collect2[x, {b1, c1}]]]
The options IsolateFast
allows to save some time when Isolating prefactors, provided that no factoring is involved.
ClearAll[h, g, a, b, c];
exp = Sum[h[i], {i, 1, 200000}]*a + Sum[g[i], {i, 1, 200000}]*b + Sum[j[i], {i, 1, 200000}]*c;
AbsoluteTiming[Collect2[exp, {a, b, c}, Factoring -> False, IsolateNames -> KK, Expanding -> False]]
AbsoluteTiming[Collect2[exp, {a, b, c}, Factoring -> False, IsolateNames -> KK, IsolateFast -> True, Expanding -> False]]