substitutes abbreviations KK[i]
for all Plus[...]
(sub-sums) in expr
. The inserted KK[i]
have head HoldForm
. Isolate[expr, varlist]
substitutes KK[i]
for all subsums in expr
which are free of any occurrence of a member of the list varlist
. Instead of KK
any other head or a list of names of the abbreviations may be specified with the option IsolateNames
Overview, IsolateNames, Collect2.
= Isolate[a + b] t0
= Isolate[(a + b) f + (c + d) f + e, f] t1
{t0, t1, ReleaseHold[t1]}
[a[z] (b + c (y + z)) + d[z] (y + z), {a, d}, IsolateNames -> fF] Isolate
[26] = y + z fF
[27] = b + c HoldForm[fF[26]] fF
[a - b - c - d - e, IsolateNames -> l, IsolateSplit -> 15] Isolate
Clear[t0, t1, l, fF]