FeynCalc manual (development version)


CSPD[p, q] is the D1D-1-dimensional scalar product of p with q and is transformed into CartesianPair[CartesianMomentum[p, D-1],CartesianMomentum[q, D-1]] by FeynCalcInternal.

CSPD[p] is the same as CSPD[p,p] (=p2=p^2).

See also

Overview, SPD, ScalarProduct, CartesianScalarProduct.


CSPD[p, q] + CSPD[q]

pq+q2p\cdot q+q^2

CSPD[p - q, q + 2 p]

(pq)(2p+q)(p-q)\cdot (2 p+q)

Calc[ CSPD[p - q, q + 2 p] ]

pq+2p2q2-p\cdot q+2 p^2-q^2

ExpandScalarProduct[CSPD[p - q]]

2(pq)+p2+q2-2 (p\cdot q)+p^2+q^2

CSPD[a, b] // StandardForm

(*CSPD[a, b]*)
CSPD[a, b] // FCI // StandardForm

(*CartesianPair[CartesianMomentum[a, -1 + D], CartesianMomentum[b, -1 + D]]*)
CSPD[a, b] // FCI // FCE // StandardForm

(*CSPD[a, b]*)
FCE[ChangeDimension[CSP[p, q], D]] // StandardForm

(*CSPD[p, q]*)