FeynCalc manual (development version)


FCLoopSingularityStructure[int, {q1, q2, ...}] returns a list of expressions {pref,U,F,gbF} that are useful to analyze the singular behavior of the loop integral int.

The idea to search for solutions of Landau equations for the FF-polynomial using Groebner bases was adopted from 1810.06270 and 2003.02451 by B. Ananthanarayan, Abhishek Pal, S. Ramanan Ratan Sarkar and Abhijit B. Das.

See also

Overview, FCFeynmanPrepare, FCFeynmanParametrize


1-loop tadpole

out = FCLoopSingularityStructure[FAD[{q, m}], {q}, Names -> x]

{Γ(ε1)((m2)1ε),x(1),m2x(1)2,{m2x(1)}}\left\{\Gamma (\varepsilon -1) \left(-\left(m^2\right)^{1-\varepsilon }\right),x(1),m^2 x(1)^2,\left\{m^2 x(1)\right\}\right\}

The integral has an apparent UV-singularity from the prefactor

Normal[Series[out[[1]], {Epsilon, 0, -1}]]

m2ε\frac{m^2}{\varepsilon }

Massless 1-loop 2-point function

out = FCLoopSingularityStructure[FAD[q, q - p], {q}, Names -> x]

{Γ(ε),x(1)+x(2),p2x(1)x(2),{p2x(2),p2x(1)}}\left\{\Gamma (\varepsilon ),x(1)+x(2),-p^2 x(1) x(2),\left\{p^2 x(2),p^2 x(1)\right\}\right\}

The integral has an apparent UV-singularity from the prefactor

Normal[Series[out[[1]], {Epsilon, 0, -1}]]

1ε\frac{1}{\varepsilon }

but there is also an IR-divergence for p2=0p^2 = 0 (the trivial solution with all xix_i being 0 is not relevant here)

Reduce[Equal[#, 0] & /@ out[[4]]]

(x(2)=0x(1)=0)p2=0(x(2)=0\land x(1)=0)\lor p^2=0

1-loop massless box

out = FCLoopSingularityStructure[FAD[p, p + q1, p + q1 + q2, p + q1 + q2 + q3], {p}, 
   Names -> x, FinalSubstitutions -> {SPD[q1] -> 0, SPD[q2] -> 0, SPD[q3] -> 0}]

{2ε2Γ(ε+2),x(1)+x(2)+x(3)+x(4),2(x(1)x(3)(q1  q2)+x(1)x(4)(q1  q2)+x(1)x(4)(q1  q3)+x(1)x(4)(q2  q3)+x(2)x(4)(q2  q3)),{x(4)(q2  q3),x(3)(q1  q2)+x(4)(q1  q2)+x(4)(q1  q3),x(2)(q1  q2)(q2  q3),x(1)(q1  q3)+x(1)(q2  q3)+x(2)(q2  q3),x(1)(q1  q2)}}\left\{2^{-\varepsilon -2} \Gamma (\varepsilon +2),x(1)+x(2)+x(3)+x(4),-2 (x(1) x(3) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2})+x(1) x(4) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2})+x(1) x(4) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q3})+x(1) x(4) (\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3})+x(2) x(4) (\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3})),\{x(4) (\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}),x(3) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2})+x(4) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2})+x(4) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q3}),x(2) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2}) (\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}),x(1) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q3})+x(1) (\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3})+x(2) (\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}),x(1) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2})\}\right\}

As expected a 1-loop box has no overall UV-divergence

Normal[Series[out[[1]], {Epsilon, 0, -1}]]


The form of the U-polynomial readily suggests that there is no UV-subdivergence (again as expected)

Reduce[out[[2]] == 0, {x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]}]


As far as the IR-divergences are concerned, we find a rather nontrivial set of solutions satisfying Landau equations

Reduce[Equal[#, 0] & /@ out[[4]]]

(q2  q3=0x(1)0  q1  q3=0  q1  q2=0)(x(1)=0  q2  q3=0x(3)+x(4)0  q1  q2=x(4)(q1  q3)x(3)+x(4))(x(4)=0x(1)=0  q2  q3=0  q1  q2=0)(x(4)=0x(2)=0x(1)=0  q1  q2=0)(x(4)=0x(3)=0x(1)=0  q2  q3=0)(x(4)=0x(3)=0x(2)=0x(1)=0)(x(4)=0x(1)0  q1  q3=x(1)((q2  q3))x(2)(q2  q3)x(1)  q1  q2=0)(x(1)=0  q2  q3=0x(4)0  q1  q3=0  q1  q2=0)(x(3)=x(4)x(1)=0  q2  q3=0x(4)0  q1  q3=0)(x(4)=0x(1)=0x(2)0  q2  q3=0  q1  q2=0)(x(4)=0x(2)=0x(1)=0x(3)0  q1  q2=0)(\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0\land x(1)\neq 0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2}=0)\lor \left(x(1)=0\land \;\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0\land x(3)+x(4)\neq 0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2}=-\frac{x(4) (\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q3})}{x(3)+x(4)}\right)\lor (x(4)=0\land x(1)=0\land \;\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2}=0)\lor (x(4)=0\land x(2)=0\land x(1)=0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2}=0)\lor (x(4)=0\land x(3)=0\land x(1)=0\land \;\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0)\lor (x(4)=0\land x(3)=0\land x(2)=0\land x(1)=0)\lor \left(x(4)=0\land x(1)\neq 0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q3}=\frac{x(1) (-(\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}))-x(2) (\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3})}{x(1)}\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2}=0\right)\lor (x(1)=0\land \;\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0\land x(4)\neq 0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2}=0)\lor (x(3)=-x(4)\land x(1)=0\land \;\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0\land x(4)\neq 0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0)\lor (x(4)=0\land x(1)=0\land x(2)\neq 0\land \;\text{q2}\cdot \;\text{q3}=0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2}=0)\lor (x(4)=0\land x(2)=0\land x(1)=0\land x(3)\neq 0\land \;\text{q1}\cdot \;\text{q2}=0)

A 2-loop eikonal integral with massive and massless lines

out = FCLoopSingularityStructure[SFAD[{ p1, m^2}] SFAD[{ p3, m^2}] SFAD[{{0, 
       2 p1 . n}}] SFAD[{{0, 2 (p1 + p3) . n}}], {p1, p3}, Names -> x,
   FinalSubstitutions -> {SPD[n] -> 1, m -> 1}]

{Γ(2ε),x(3)x(4),x(4)x(1)2+2x(2)x(4)x(1)+x(3)x(4)2+x(2)2x(3)+x(2)2x(4)+x(3)2x(4),{x(3)x(4)2,x(3)2x(4),x(2)x(3),x(2)2+x(4)2+2x(3)x(4),x(1)x(4)+x(2)x(4),x(1)2+2x(2)x(1)+x(3)2x(4)2}}\left\{\Gamma (2 \varepsilon ),x(3) x(4),x(4) x(1)^2+2 x(2) x(4) x(1)+x(3) x(4)^2+x(2)^2 x(3)+x(2)^2 x(4)+x(3)^2 x(4),\left\{x(3) x(4)^2,x(3)^2 x(4),x(2) x(3),x(2)^2+x(4)^2+2 x(3) x(4),x(1) x(4)+x(2) x(4),x(1)^2+2 x(2) x(1)+x(3)^2-x(4)^2\right\}\right\}

The integral has no IR-divergence, the only solution to the Landau equations is a trivial one

Reduce[Equal[#, 0] & /@ out[[4]], Reals]

x(4)=0x(3)=0x(2)=0x(1)=0x(4)=0\land x(3)=0\land x(2)=0\land x(1)=0

Notice that the mass is acting as an IR regulator here. Setting it to 0 makes the IR pole resurface

out = FCLoopSingularityStructure[SFAD[{ p1, m^2}] SFAD[{ p3, m^2}] SFAD[{{0, 
       2 p1 . n}}] SFAD[{{0, 2 (p1 + p3) . n}}], {p1, p3}, Names -> x,
   FinalSubstitutions -> {SPD[n] -> 1, m -> 0}]

{0,x(3)x(4),x(4)x(1)2+2x(2)x(4)x(1)+x(2)2x(3)+x(2)2x(4),{x(2)x(3),x(2)2,x(1)x(4)+x(2)x(4),x(1)2+2x(2)x(1)}}\left\{0,x(3) x(4),x(4) x(1)^2+2 x(2) x(4) x(1)+x(2)^2 x(3)+x(2)^2 x(4),\left\{x(2) x(3),x(2)^2,x(1) x(4)+x(2) x(4),x(1)^2+2 x(2) x(1)\right\}\right\}

and here is our nontrivial solution

Reduce[Equal[#, 0] & /@ out[[4]], Reals]

x(1)=0x(2)=0x(1)=0\land x(2)=0