FeynCalc manual (development version)


FVE[p, mu] is the D4D-4-dimensional vector pp with Lorentz index μ\mu.

See also

Overview, FCE, FCI, FV, FVD, Pair.


FVE[p, \[Mu]]

p^μ\hat{p}^{\mu }

FVE[p - q, \[Mu]]

(p^q^)μ\left(\hat{p}-\hat{q}\right)^{\mu }

FVE[p, \[Mu]] // StandardForm

(*FVE[p, \[Mu]]*)
FCI[FVE[p, \[Mu]]] // StandardForm

(*Pair[LorentzIndex[\[Mu], -4 + D], Momentum[p, -4 + D]]*)

There is no special function to expand momenta in FVE.

ex = ExpandScalarProduct[FVE[p - q, \[Mu]]]

p^μq^μ\hat{p}^{\mu }-\hat{q}^{\mu }

ex // StandardForm

(*Pair[LorentzIndex[\[Mu], -4 + D], Momentum[p, -4 + D]] - Pair[LorentzIndex[\[Mu], -4 + D], Momentum[q, -4 + D]]*)
Contract[FVE[p, \[Mu]] FV[q, \[Mu]]]