FeynCalc manual (development version)

CovariantFieldDerivative[f[x], x, {li1, li2, ...}] is a covariant derivative of f[x] with respect to space-time variables x and with Lorentz indices li1, li2, .... CovariantFieldDerivative has only typesetting definitions by default. The user is must supply his/her own definition of the actual function.

See also

Overview, CovariantD, ExpandPartialD, FieldDerivative.


CovariantFieldDerivative[QuantumField[A, {\[Mu]}][x], x, {\[Mu]}]

Dμ(Aμ(x))\text{\textit{$\mathcal{D}$}}_{\mu }\left(A_{\mu }(x)\right)