FCFeynmanProjectivize[int, x]
checks if the given Feynman parameter integral (without prefactors) depending on x[1], x[2], … is a projective form. If this is not the case, the integral will be projectivized.
Projectivity is a necessary condition for computing the integral with the aid of the Cheng-Wu theorem
See also
Overview, FCFeynmanParametrize, FCFeynmanPrepare, FCFeynmanProjectiveQ.
int = SFAD[{p3, mg^2}] SFAD[{p3 - p1, mg^2}] SFAD[{{0, -2 p1 . q}}]
fp = FCFeynmanParametrize[int, {p1, p3}, Names -> x, Indexed -> True, FCReplaceD -> {D -> 4 - 2 ep},
Simplify -> True, Assumptions -> {mg > 0, ep > 0}, FinalSubstitutions -> {SPD[q] -> qq, mg^2 -> mg2}]
FCFeynmanProjectivize[fp[[1]], x]
FCFeynmanProjectivize: The integral is already projective, no further transformations are required.
FCFeynmanProjectivize[(x[1] + x[2])^(-2 + 2*ep)/(mb2*(x[1]^2 + x[1]*x[2] +
x[2]^2))^ep, x]
FCFeynmanProjectivize: The integral is already projective, no further transformations are required.
Feynman parametrizations derived from propagator representations should be projective in most cases. However, arbitrary Feynman parameter integrals do not necessarily have this property.
FCFeynmanProjectivize[x[1]^(x - 1) (x[2])^(y - 1), x]
FCFeynmanProjectivize: The integral is not projective, trying to projectivize.
FCFeynmanProjectivize: Projective transformation successful, the integral is now projective.