FeynCalc manual (development version)


FCFactorOut[exp, pref] factors out pref out of exp. This is often needed to bring exp into a particular form that Mathematica refuses to give.

See also

Overview, Collect2.


FCFactorOut[(a + 3 b), 3 b]

3b(a3b+1)3 b \left(\frac{a}{3 b}+1\right)

FCFactorOut[(a + 3 b), 3 b, Head -> hold]

3b  hold(a3b+1)3 b \;\text{hold}\left(\frac{a}{3 b}+1\right)

FCFactorOut is also an option of Collect2

x^2 + 6 y 
Collect2[%, {x, y}, FCFactorOut -> 3]

x2+6yx^2+6 y

3(x23+2y)3 \left(\frac{x^2}{3}+2 y\right)