FeynCalc manual (development version)


Schouten[exp] attempts to automatically remove spurious terms in exp by applying the Schouten’s identity.

Schouten applies the identity for 44-vectors on at most 4242 terms in a sum. If it should operate on a larger expression you can give a second argument, e.g. Schouten[expr, 4711] which will work on sums with less than 47114711 terms.

Schouten is also an option of Contract and DiracTrace. It may be set to an integer indicating the maximum number of terms onto which the function Schouten will be applied.

See also

Overview, Contract, DiracTrace, FCSchoutenBruteForce.


((LC[\[Mu], \[Nu], \[Rho], \[Sigma]] FV[p, \[Tau]] + LC[\[Nu], \[Rho], \[Sigma], \[Tau]] FV[p, \[Mu]] + LC[\[Rho], \[Sigma], \[Tau], \[Mu]] FV[p, \[Nu]] + 
     LC[\[Sigma], \[Tau], \[Mu], \[Nu]] FV[p, \[Rho]] + LC[\[Tau], \[Mu], \[Nu], \[Rho]] FV[p, \[Sigma]])) 

pτϵˉμνρσ+pμϵˉνρστ+pνϵˉρστμ+pρϵˉστμν+pσϵˉτμνρ\overline{p}^{\tau } \bar{\epsilon }^{\mu \nu \rho \sigma }+\overline{p}^{\mu } \bar{\epsilon }^{\nu \rho \sigma \tau }+\overline{p}^{\nu } \bar{\epsilon }^{\rho \sigma \tau \mu }+\overline{p}^{\rho } \bar{\epsilon }^{\sigma \tau \mu \nu }+\overline{p}^{\sigma } \bar{\epsilon }^{\tau \mu \nu \rho }