FeynCalc manual (development version)


GSD[p] can be used as input for a DD-dimensional pμγμp^\mu \gamma_\mu and is transformed into DiracGamma[Momentum[p,D],D] by FeynCalcInternal (=FCI).

GSD[p,q, ...] is a short form for GSD[p].GSD[q].

See also

Overview, DiracGamma, GA, GAD.



γp\gamma \cdot p

GSD[p] // FCI // StandardForm

(*DiracGamma[Momentum[p, D], D]*)
GSD[p, q, r, s]

(γp).(γq).(γr).(γs)(\gamma \cdot p).(\gamma \cdot q).(\gamma \cdot r).(\gamma \cdot s)

GSD[p, q, r, s] // StandardForm

(*GSD[p] . GSD[q] . GSD[r] . GSD[s]*)
GSD[q] . (GSD[p] + m) . GSD[q]

(γq).(m+γp).(γq)(\gamma \cdot q).(m+\gamma \cdot p).(\gamma \cdot q)