FeynCalc manual (development version)


FCLoopAddScalingParameter[topo, la, rules] multiplies masses and momenta in the propagators of the topology topo by the scaling parameter la according to the scaling rules in rules. The id of the topology remains unchanged. This is useful e.g. for asymptotic expansions of the corresponding loop integrals given as GLIs.

The scaling variable should be declared as FCVariable via the DataType mechanism.

Notice that if all terms in a propagator have the same scaling, the scaling variable in the respective propagator will be set to unity.

See also

Overview, FCTopology, GLI.


DataType[la, FCVariable] = True;

We declare the external 4-momentum q as our hard scale, while the mass mc is soft

topoScaled = FCLoopAddScalingParameter[FCTopology[prop1LtopoC11, {SFAD[{{I p1, 0}, {-mc^2, -1}, 1}], 
     SFAD[{{I (p1 - q), 0}, {-mc^2, -1}, 1}]}, {p1}, {q}, {SPD[q, q] ->mb^2}, {}], la, 
   {q -> la^0 q, mc -> la^1 mc}]

Scalings of momenta and masses in the propagators of   prop1LtopoC11   : {mb  la0  mb,mc  la  mc,p1  la0  p1,q  la0q}\text{Scalings of momenta and masses in the propagators of }\;\text{prop1LtopoC11}\;\text{ : }\left\{\text{mb}\to \;\text{la}^0 \;\text{mb},\text{mc}\to \;\text{la} \;\text{mc},\text{p1}\to \;\text{la}^0 \;\text{p1},q\to \;\text{la}^0 q\right\}

FCTopology(prop1LtopoC11,{1(la2  mc2p12iη),1(mb2+la2  mc2p12+2(p1q)iη)},{p1},{q},{q2  mb2},{})\text{FCTopology}\left(\text{prop1LtopoC11},\left\{\frac{1}{(\text{la}^2 \;\text{mc}^2-\text{p1}^2-i \eta )},\frac{1}{(-\text{mb}^2+\text{la}^2 \;\text{mc}^2-\text{p1}^2+2 (\text{p1}\cdot q)-i \eta )}\right\},\{\text{p1}\},\{q\},\left\{q^2\to \;\text{mb}^2\right\},\{\}\right)

Having set up the scaling we can now use FCLoopGLIExpand to expand the loop integrals belonging to this topology up to the desired order in la. Here we choose O(λ4)\mathcal{O}(\lambda^4)

FCLoopGLIExpand[GLI[prop1LtopoC11, {1, 1}], {topoScaled}, {la, 0, 4}]

{la4  mc4Gprop1LtopoC11(1,3)+la4  mc4Gprop1LtopoC11(2,2)+la4  mc4Gprop1LtopoC11(3,1)la2  mc2Gprop1LtopoC11(1,2)la2  mc2Gprop1LtopoC11(2,1)+Gprop1LtopoC11(1,1),{FCTopology(prop1LtopoC11,{1(p12iη),1(mb2p12+2(p1q)iη)},{p1},{q},{q2  mb2},{})}}\left\{\text{la}^4 \;\text{mc}^4 G^{\text{prop1LtopoC11}}(1,3)+\text{la}^4 \;\text{mc}^4 G^{\text{prop1LtopoC11}}(2,2)+\text{la}^4 \;\text{mc}^4 G^{\text{prop1LtopoC11}}(3,1)-\text{la}^2 \;\text{mc}^2 G^{\text{prop1LtopoC11}}(1,2)-\text{la}^2 \;\text{mc}^2 G^{\text{prop1LtopoC11}}(2,1)+G^{\text{prop1LtopoC11}}(1,1),\left\{\text{FCTopology}\left(\text{prop1LtopoC11},\left\{\frac{1}{(-\text{p1}^2-i \eta )},\frac{1}{(-\text{mb}^2-\text{p1}^2+2 (\text{p1}\cdot q)-i \eta )}\right\},\{\text{p1}\},\{q\},\left\{q^2\to \;\text{mb}^2\right\},\{\}\right)\right\}\right\}