FeynCalc manual (development version)


FORM2FeynCalc[exp] translates the FORM expression exp into FeynCalc notation.

FORM2FeynCalc[file] translates the FORM expressions in file into FeynCalc notation.

FORM2FeynCalc[file, x1, x2, ...] reads in a file in FORM-format and translates the assignments for the variables a,b,a, b, \ldots into FeynCalc syntax.

If the option Set is True, the variables x1, x2 are assigned to the right hand sides defined in the FORM-file.The capabilities of this function are very limited, so that you should not expect it to easily handle large and complicated expressions.

See also

Overview, FeynCalc2FORM.


FORM2FeynCalc["p.q + 2*x m^2"]

pq+2m2.x\overline{p}\cdot \overline{q}+2 m^2.x

FORM2FeynCalc["p.q + 2*x m^2"] // StandardForm

(*2 x . m^2 + SP[p, q]*)

Functions are automatically converted in a proper way, but bracketed expressions need to be substituted explicitly.

FORM2FeynCalc["x +f(z)+ log(x)^2+[li2(1-x)]", Replace -> {"[li2(1-x)]" -> "PolyLog[2,1-x]"}]

f(z)+Li2(1x)+x+log2(x)f(z)+\text{Li}_2(1-x)+x+\log ^2(x)

FORM2FeynCalc["x +f(z)+ log(x)^2+[li2(1-x)]", Replace -> {"[li2(1-x)]" -> "PolyLog[2,1-x]"}] // StandardForm

(*x + f[z] + Log[x]^2 + PolyLog[2, 1 - x]*)
FORM2FeynCalc["x + [(1)]*y -[(-1)^m]"]


ReleaseHold[FORM2FeynCalc["x + [(1)]*y -[(-1)^m]"]]



gˉmu  nu+p(mu).q(nu)\bar{g}^{\text{mu}\;\text{nu}}+p(\text{mu}).q(\text{nu})

FORM2FeynCalc["p(mu)*q(nu)+d_(mu,nu)"] // StandardForm

(*p[mu] . q[nu] + MT[mu, nu]*)
FORM2FeynCalc["p(mu)*q(nu)+d_(mu,nu)", Replace -> {mu -> \[Mu], nu -> \[Nu]}]

gˉμν+p(μ).q(ν)\bar{g}^{\mu \nu }+p(\mu ).q(\nu )

FORM2FeynCalc["i_*az*bz*aM^2*D1*[(1)]*b_G1 * ( 4*eperp(mu,nu)*avec.bvec*blam )"]

(4i).az.bz.aM2.D1.Hold[1].b$G1.eperp(mu,nu).(avecbvec).blam(4 i).\text{az}.\text{bz}.\text{aM}^2.\text{D1}.\text{Hold}[1].\text{b\$G1}.\text{eperp}(\text{mu},\text{nu}).\left(\overline{\text{avec}}\cdot \overline{\text{bvec}}\right).\text{blam}