FeynCalc manual (development version)


GluonGhostVertex[{p, mu, a}, {q, nu, b}, {k, rho, c}] or GluonGhostVertex[ p, mu, a , q, nu, b , k, rho, c] yields the Gluon-Ghost vertex. The first argument represents the gluon and the third argument the outgoing ghost field (but incoming 4-momentum).

GGV can be used as an abbreviation of GluonGhostVertex.The dimension and the name of the coupling constant are determined by the options Dimension and CouplingConstant.

See also

Overview, GluonPropagator, GluonSelfEnergy, GluonVertex, QCDFeynmanRuleConvention, GhostPropagator.


GluonGhostVertex[{p, \[Mu], a}, {q, \[Nu], b}, {k, \[Rho], c}] 

Λ~μ(k)fabc\tilde{\Lambda }^{\mu }(k) f^{abc}

gs(kμ)fabcg_s \left(-k^{\mu }\right) f^{abc}