FeynHelpers is a collection of interfaces that allow you to use other
HEP-related tools from your FeynCalc session.
Generic functions and
Fermat interface
Package-X interface
- PaXEvaluate, PaXEvaluateUV, PaXEvaluateIR, PaXEvaluateUVIRSplit - evaluates
the given scalar 1-loop integral or Passarino-Veltman function
analytically using Package-X
- PaXContinuedDiLog, PaXDiLog, PaXDiscB, PaXEpsilonBar, PaXKallenLambda, PaXKibblePhi, PaXKibblePhi, PaXLn, PaXpvA, PaXpvB, PaXpvC,
PaXpvD - placeholders for certain Package-X
- PaXAnalytic, PaXC0Expand, PaXD0Expand, PaXDiscExpand, PaXExpandInEpsilon, PaXImplicitPrefactor, PaXKallenExpand, PaXKibbleExpand, PaXLoopRefineOptions, PaXSeries, PaXSimplifyEpsilon, PaXSubstituteEpsilon - options
of functions related to the Package-X interface
FIESTA interface
- FSACreateMathematicaScripts
- creates Mathematica scripts for evaluating the given integral with
- FSARunIntegration - runs
Mathematica scripts created by the
- FSALoadNumericalResults -
loads the numerical result from FIESTA
- FSAAdditionalPrefactor,
FSAAnalyticIntegration, FSAAnalyzeWorstPower, FSAAssemblyIntegration, FSAAsyLP, FSABalanceMode, FSABalancePower, FSABalanceSamplingPoints, FSABucketSize, FSAChunkSize, FSACIntegratePath, FSAComplexMode, FSAContourShiftCoefficient,
FSAContourShiftShape, FSACreateMathematicaScripts,
FSAd0, FSADataPath, FSADebugAllEntries, FSADebugMemory, FSADebugParallel, FSADebugSector, FSAEpVarNegativeTermsHandling,
FSAExpandResult, FSAExpandVar, FSAFixedContourShift, FSAFixSectors, FSAGPUIntegration, FSAGraph, FSAIntegrator, FSAIntegratorOptions, FSALambdaIterations, FSALambdaSplit, FSAMathematicaBinary, FSAMathematicaKernelPath, FSAMinimizeContourTransformation,
FSAMixSectors, FSAMPMin, FSAMPPrecisionShift, FSAMPSmallX, FSAMPThreshold, FSANoAVX, FSANoDatabaseLock, FSANumberOfLinks, FSANumberOfSubkernels, FSAOnlyPrepare, FSAOnlyPrepareRegions, FSAOptimizeIntegrationStrings,
FSAOrderInEps, FSAParameterRules, FSAPath, FSAPMVar, FSAPolesMultiplicity, FSAPrecision, FSAPrimarySectorCoefficients,
FSAQHullPath, FSARegionNumber, FSARegVar, FSARemoveDatabases, FSAResolutionMode, FSAReturnErrorWithBrackets,
FSAScriptFileName, FSASDExpandAsy, FSASDExpandAsyOrder, FSASectorSplitting, FSASectorSymmetries, FSASeparateTerms, FSAShowOutput, FSAStrategy, FSAUsingC, FSAXVar, FSAZeroCheckCount - options of
functions related to the FIESTA interface
C++ FIRE interface
- FIRECreateConfigFile -
creates the FIRE .config file
- FIRECreateIntegralFile
- creates list of integrals that need to be reduced
- FIRECreateLiteRedFiles
- runs Mathematica scripts that creates the relevant lbases file
- FIRECreateStartFile - runs
Mathematica scripts that creates the relevant FIRE .start file
- FIREImportResults - converts
reduction results from .table files to
- FIREPrepareStartFile -
prepares a Mathematica script that generates the relevant FIRE .start
- FIRERunReduction - starts
reduction using C++ FIRE from the current notebook
- FIREToFCTopology - converts
the given FIRE topology to
- FIREAutoDetectRestrictions,
FIREBinaryPath, FIREBucket, FIRECalc, FIRECompressor, FIREDatabase, FIREFthreads, FIREIntegrals, FIRELI,, FIRELthreads, FIREMathematicaKernelPath,
FIREParallel, FIREProblemId, FIREPosPref, FIREShowOutput, FIRESthreads, FIREThreads, FIREUseLiteRed - options of functions
related to the C++ FIRE interface
Mathematica FIRE interface
Kira interface
- LToolsEvaluate - evaluates
Passarino-Veltman functions numerically using LoopTools
- LToolsLoadLibrary - loads
the LoopTools library
- LToolsUnLoadLibrary -
unloads the LoopTools library
- LToolsExpandInEpsilon,
LToolsFullResult, LToolsImplicitPrefactor, LToolsSetLambda, LToolsSetMudim, LToolsPath - options of functions related
to the LoopTools interface
- LToolsA0, LToolsA00, LToolsA0i, LToolsB0, LToolsB00, LToolsB0i, LToolsB1, LToolsB001, LToolsB11, LToolsB111, LToolsC0, LToolsC0i, LToolsClearCache, LToolsD0, LToolsD0i, LToolsDB0, LToolsDB00, LToolsDB1, LToolsDB11, LToolsDebugA, LToolsDebugAll, LToolsDebugB, LToolsDebugC, LToolsDebugD, LToolsDebugE, LToolsDR1eps, LToolsDRResult, LToolsE0, LToolsE0i, LToolsGetCmpBits, LToolsGetDebugKey, LToolsGetDelta, LToolsGetDiffEps, LToolsGetErrDigits, LToolsGetLambda, LToolsGetMaxDev, LToolsGetMinMass, LToolsGetMudim, LToolsGetUVDiv, LToolsGetVersionKey, LToolsGetWarnDigits, LToolsGetZeroEps, LToolsKeyA0, LToolsKeyAll, LToolsKeyBget, LToolsKeyC0, LToolsKeyCEget, LToolsKeyD0, LToolsKeyE0, LToolsKeyEget, LToolsLi2, LToolsLi2omx, LToolsMarkCache, LToolsPaVe, LToolsRestoreCache, LToolsSetCmpBits, LToolsSetDebugKey, LToolsSetDebugRange, LToolsSetDelta, LToolsSetDiffEps, LToolsSetErrDigits, LToolsSetMaxDev, LToolsSetMinMass, LToolsSetUVDiv, LToolsSetVersionKey, LToolsSetWarnDigits -
placeholders for certain LoopTools symbols
- $LTools - global variables needed for
the proper functioning of the interface
pySecDec interface
- PSDCreatePythonScripts
- creates Python scripts for evaluating the given integral with
- PSDIntegrate - creates input for
pySecDec’s numerical integration routines
- PSDLoopIntegralFromPropagators
- converts the given loop integral into input for pySecDec’s
- PSDLoadNumericalResults -
loads the numerical result from pySecDec
- PSDLoopPackage - creates input
for pySecDec’s
- PSDLoopRegions - creates input
for pySecDec’s
- PSDSumPackage - creates input
for pySecDec’s
- PSDAdditionalPrefactor,
PSDCoefficients, PSDComplexParameterRules, PSDComplexParameters, PSDComplexParameterValues,
PSDContourDeformation, PSDCPUThreads, PSDDecompositionMethod, PSDDecreaseToPercentage, PSDDeformationParametersDecreaseFactor,
PSDEnforceComplex, PSDEpsAbs, PSDEpsRel, PSDErrorMode, PSDErrorModeQmc, PSDEvaluateMinn, PSDExpansionByRegionsOrder,
PSDFitFunction, PSDFlags, PSDFormExecutable, PSDFormMemoryUse, PSDFormOptimizationLevel, PSDFormThreads, PSDFormWorkSpace, PSDGenerateFileName, PSDGeneratingVectors, PSDIntegrateFileName, PSDIntegrator, PSDLoopIntegralName, PSDMaxEpsAbs, PSDMaxEpsRel, PSDMaxEval, PSDMaxIncreaseFac, PSDMinDecreaseFactor, PSDMinEpsAbs, PSDMinEpsRel, PSDMinEval, PSDMinm, PSDMinn, PSDNormalizExecutable, PSDNumberOfPresamples, PSDNumberOfThreads, PSDOutputDirectory, PSDOverwritePackageDirectory,
PSDPyLinkQMCTransforms, PSDRealParameterRules, PSDRealParameters, PSDRealParameterValues, PSDRegulators, PSDRequestedOrder, PSDResetCudaAfter, PSDSplit, PSDTransform, PSDVerbose, PSDVerbosity - options of functions
related to the pySecDec interface
QGRAF interface
- QGConvertToFC - converts QGRAF
output into FeynCalc input
- QGCreateAmp - generates Feynman
amplitudes and diagrams
- QGLoadInsertions - loads sets
of Feynman rules
- QGTZFCreateFieldStyles
- prepares TikZ-Feynman stylings for the occurring fields
- QGTZFCreateTeXFiles -
prepares TeX form of Feynman diagrams
- QGPolarization - placeholder
for the polarization of a field
- QGPropagator - placeholder for
the propagator of a field
- QGTruncatedPolarization -
placeholder for the truncated external state of a field
- QGVertex - placeholder for the
interaction vertex of some fields
- $QGScriptsDirectory, $QGInsertionsDirectory, $QGLogOutputAmplitudes, $QGLogOutputDiagrams, $QGModelsDirectory, $QGStylesDirectory, $QGTeXDirectory, QGAmplitudeStyle, QGBinaryFile, QGCleanUpOutputDirectory, QGDiagramStyle, QGInsertionRule, QGLoopMomentum, QGModel, QGOptionalStatements, QGOptions, QGOutputAmplitudes, QGOutputDiagrams, QGOutputDirectory, QGOverwriteExistingAmplitudes,
QGSaveInputFile, QGShowOutput, QGFieldStyles - options of functions
related to the QGRAF interface