creates lbases files
(generated with LiteRed) using the script
in path
. To that aim a
Mathematica kernel is started in the background via
. The function returns True
if the
evaluation succeeds and False
Notice that lbases files must be created before generating sbases using FIRECreateStartFiles (or running the respective scripts directly) .
Alternatively, one can use
FIRECreateLiteRedFiles[path, topo]
where topo
is an FCTopology
symbol and the full path is implied to be
If you need to process a list of topologies, following syntaxes are
possible FIRECreateLiteRedFiles[{path1,path2, ...}]
FIRECreateLiteRedFiles[path, {topo1, topo2, ...}]
The path to the Mathematica Kernel can be specified via
. The default value is
Overview, FIRECreateConfigFile, FIREPrepareStartFile, FIREMathematicaKernelPath
= FCTopology["prop3lX1", {SFAD[{p1, m^2}], SFAD[p2], SFAD[{p3, m^2}], SFAD[Q - p1 - p2 - p3], SFAD[Q - p1 - p2], SFAD[Q - p1], SFAD[Q - p2], SFAD[p1 + p3], SFAD[p2 + p3]}, {p1, p2, p3}, {Q}, {}, {}] topo
\text{FCTopology}\left(\text{prop3lX1},\left\{\frac{1}{(\text{p1}^2-m^2+i \eta )},\frac{1}{(\text{p2}^2+i \eta )},\frac{1}{(\text{p3}^2-m^2+i \eta )},\frac{1}{((-\text{p1}-\text{p2}-\text{p3}+Q)^2+i \eta )},\frac{1}{((-\text{p1}-\text{p2}+Q)^2+i \eta )},\frac{1}{((Q-\text{p1})^2+i \eta )},\frac{1}{((Q-\text{p2})^2+i \eta )},\frac{1}{((\text{p1}+\text{p3})^2+i \eta )},\frac{1}{((\text{p2}+\text{p3})^2+i \eta )}\right\},\{\text{p1},\text{p2},\text{p3}\},\{Q\},\{\},\{\}\right)
= FIREPrepareStartFile[topo, FileNameJoin[{$FeynCalcDirectory, "Database"}]] fileName
[fileName, FCVerbose -> 3] FIRECreateLiteRedFiles
\text{FIRECreateLiteRedFiles: Full path to the Math Kernel binary: }\;\text{/media/Data/Software/Mathematica/14.0/Executables/math}
\text{FIRECreateLiteRedFiles: Full path to the script file: }\;\text{/home/vs/.Mathematica/Applications/FeynCalc/Database/prop3lX1/CreateStartFile.m}
\text{FIRECreateLiteRedFiles: Working directory: }\;\text{/home/vs/.Mathematica/Applications/FeynCalc/Database/prop3lX1/}
\text{FIRECreateLiteRedFiles: Script file: }\;\text{CreateStartFile.m}