FIRECreateConfigFile[topo, fireID, path]
generates a FIRE .config file for the given topology topo
with the FIRE-identifier fireID
and saves it to
as topoName.config
is the FCTopology
-identifier. The
function returns the full path to the generated .config file.
If the directory specified in path/topoName
does not
exist, it will be created automatically. If it already exists, its
content will be automatically overwritten, unless the option
is set to False
If no fireID
is given, i.e. the function is called as
FIRECreateConfigFile[topo, path]
, then the default value
is used.
It is also possible to invoke the routine as
FIRECreateConfigFile[{topo1, topo2, ...}, {id1, id2, ...}, {path1, path2, ...}]
FIRECreateConfigFile[{topo1, topo2, ...}, {path1, path2, ...}]
one needs to process a list of topologies.
The syntax
FIRECreateConfigFile[{topo1, topo2, ...}, {id1, id2, ...}, path]
or FIRECreateConfigFile[{topo1, topo2, ...}, path]
is also
allowed. This implies that all config files will go into the
corresponding subdirectories of path, e.g. path/topoName1
The default name of the file containing loop integrals for the
reduction is "LoopIntegrals.m"
. It can be changed via the
option FIREIntegrals
To customize the content of the .config file one can use following options:
(corresponds to #bucket
default value 29
(corresponds to
, default value "zstd"
(corresponds to #fthreads
default value )FIRELThreads
(corresponds to #lthreads
default value 2
(corresponds to #pospref
unset by default)FIRESThreads
(corresponds to #sthreads
default value )FIREThreads
(corresponds to #threads
default value )Overview, FIREBucket, FIRECompressor, FIREFthreads, FIRELthreads, FIREIntegrals, FIREPosPref, FIRESthreads, FIREThreads.
= FCTopology["asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1", {SFAD[{{I*p1, 0}, {0, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{I*p3, 0}, {-mg^2, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{0, -2*p3 . q}, {0, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{I*(p1 + q), 0}, {-mb^2, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{0, p1 . p3}, {0, -1}, 1}]}, {p1, p3}, {q}, {SPD[q, q] -> mb^2}, {}] topo
= FIRECreateConfigFile[topo, FileNameJoin[{$FeynCalcDirectory, "Database"}]];
fileName // FilePrint
(*#compressor zstd
#threads 8
#fthreads s16
#lthreads 4
#sthreads 8
#variables d, mb, mg
#bucket 29
#folder ./
#problem 4242 asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.start
#integrals LoopIntegrals.m
#output asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.tables*)
= FIRECreateConfigFile[topo, FileNameJoin[{$FeynCalcDirectory, "Database"}], FIREIntegrals -> "LIs.m", FIRELthreads -> 4];
fileName // FilePrint
(*#compressor zstd
#threads 8
#fthreads s16
#lthreads 4
#sthreads 8
#variables d, mb, mg
#bucket 29
#folder ./
#problem 4242 asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.start
#integrals LIs.m
#output asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.tables*)
= FIRECreateConfigFile[topo, FileNameJoin[{$FeynCalcDirectory, "Database"}], FIREIntegrals -> "LIs.m", FIRELthreads -> 4];
fileName // FilePrint
(*#compressor zstd
#threads 8
#fthreads s16
#lthreads 4
#sthreads 8
#variables d, mb, mg
#bucket 29
#folder ./
#problem 4242 asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.start
#integrals LIs.m
#output asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.tables*)
= {
topos ["asyR3prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1", {SFAD[{{I*p1, 0}, {0, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{I*p3, 0}, {-mg^2, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{0, -2*p3 . q}, {0, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{0, -2*p1 . q}, {0, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{I*(p1 - p3), 0}, {0, -1}, 1}]}, {p1, p3}, {q}, {SPD[q, q] -> mb^2}, {}],
["asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1", {SFAD[{{I*p1, 0}, {0, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{I*p3, 0}, {-mg^2, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{0, -2*p3 . q}, {0, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{I*(p1 + q), 0}, {-mb^2, -1}, 1}], SFAD[{{0, p1 . p3}, {0, -1}, 1}]}, {p1, p3}, {q}, {SPD[q, q] -> mb^2}, {}]
fileNames = FIRECreateConfigFile[topos, {1150, 1160}, FileNameJoin[{$FeynCalcDirectory, "Database"}]];
(*#compressor zstd
#threads 8
#fthreads s16
#lthreads 4
#sthreads 8
#variables d, mb, mg
#bucket 29
#folder ./
#problem 1150 asyR3prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.start
#integrals LoopIntegrals.m
#output asyR3prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.tables*)
(*#compressor zstd
#threads 8
#fthreads s16
#lthreads 4
#sthreads 8
#variables d, mb, mg
#bucket 29
#folder ./
#problem 1160 asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.start
#integrals LoopIntegrals.m
#output asyR1prop2Ltopo01310X11111N1.tables*)