is an option for
. When set to True
will return the full result including
singularities and accompanying terms. Otherwise, only the finite part
(standard output of LoopTools) will be provided.
The full result is assembled from pieces returned by LoopTools for the -parameter set to , and respectively. The correct prefactor that accounts for the normalization differences between Passarino-Veltman function in FeynCalc and LoopTools is added as well.
As long as LToolsFullResult
is set to True
the value of the LToolsSetLambda
option is ignored.
Disabling LToolsFullResult
will most likely lead to
incorrect normalization of the results (especially if you are only
interested in the finite part). The reason for this are missing
contributions to the finite part generated from poles being multiplied
by terms proportional to or
[]; LToolsLoadLibrary
(* ====================================================
FF 2.0, a package to evaluate one-loop integrals
written by G. J. van Oldenborgh, NIKHEF-H, Amsterdam
for the algorithms used see preprint NIKHEF-H 89/17,
'New Algorithms for One-loop Integrals', by G.J. van
Oldenborgh and J.A.M. Vermaseren, published in
Zeitschrift fuer Physik C46(1990)425.
[A0[m^2], InitialSubstitutions -> {m^2 -> 1}] LToolsEvaluate
Setting LToolsFullResult
to False
will make
return only the finite part since the
default value for LToolsSetLambda
is 0
However, the normalization does not agree with the FeynCalc
[A0[m^2], InitialSubstitutions -> {m^2 -> 1}, LToolsFullResult -> False] LToolsEvaluate
Even though LToolsEvaluate
includes the correct
prefactor to convert to the FeynCalc normalization, the finite
contribution generated by the -pole is missing here.
= LToolsEvaluate[A0[m^2], InitialSubstitutions -> {m^2 -> 1}, LToolsFullResult -> False, LToolsExpandInEpsilon -> False] finRes
By setting LToolsSetLambda->-1
we can get the
coefficient of the pole. Here it is obvious that the function is
IR-finite so that we do not need to check for the -pole
= LToolsEvaluate[A0[m^2], InitialSubstitutions -> {m^2 -> 1}, LToolsFullResult -> False, LToolsExpandInEpsilon -> False, LToolsSetLambda -> -1] poleRes
Combining both pieces and expanding in up to zeroth order we recover the
same result as when using the option LToolsFullResult
Series[1/Epsilon poleRes + finRes, {Epsilon, 0, 0}] // Normal