FeynHelpers manual (development version)

QGRAF usage examples

Generic approach

The main idea behind the FeynHelpers interface to QGRAF is to facilitate the generation of Feynman diagrams using QGRAF and the subsequent conversion of the obtained amplitudes into the FeynCalc notation.

The main high-level function of this interface is called QGCreateAmp. In the simplest case we need to provide following arguments and options

Here is a simple 1-loop example that incorporates all of the above


The output is a list containing two elements which are full paths to the two files amplitudes.m and diagrams-raw.tex. Since QGRAF has no built-in capabilities for visualizing the generated Feynman diagrams, we need to use extra tools for this task. The most convenient way to do this is to employ lualatex together with the TikZ-Feyman package. By evaluating

tikzStyles=QGTZFCreateFieldStyles["QEDOneFlavor", qgOutput,
{"Ael","anti fermion","e^+"}}];

we can create a file containing the styling for the fields present in our model, so that the diagrams will look nice. Then,


will generate a TeX file for each of the diagrams located in FileNameJoin[{$FeynCalcDirectory,"Database","ElAelToElAelAt1L","TeX"}]]. Provided that we have GNU parallel and pdfunite installed, we can now switch to the terminal, enter the corresponding directory and generate the diagrams via


If everything goes as expected, this will give us a file allDiagrams.pdf containing all the generated diagrams.

If one wants to visualize the momentum flow through the diagrams, one can use a special style when calling QGCreateAmp. This is done by setting the option QGDiagramStyle to tikz-feynman-momentumflow.sty.

Coming back to the analytic part of the calculation, we need to load the list of Feynman rules for the vertices and propagators present in the generated amplitudes. Again, FeynHelpers contains a built-in collection of Feynman rules that can be loaded using


If we need to use some new rules for a custom model, then QGLoadInsertions should be given the full path to the corresponding insertions file. Finally, with


we obtain the list of our amplitudes ready for a subsequent evaluation within FeynCalc.

Custom models

The following example shows how to generate diagrams for a custom ϕ4\phi^4-model, where we write our own model file and implement the corresponding Feynman rules.

The process of writing new models is explained in the QGRAF manual. The only special feature required for a FeynCalc is a custom function in the propagators called mass that encodes the mass of the particles. A model for the real scalar field with quartic self-interactions can be implemented as follows

[ model = 'phi^4' ]

% Propagators:
[Phi, Phi, +; mass='mphi']

% Vertices:
[Phi,  Phi,  Phi, Phi]

We need to introduce Feynman rules for the external states, propagators and vertices. Notice that in the case of vertices all momenta should be ingoing. The corresponding model file and the collection of insertions are located in FileNameJoin[{$FeynHelpersDirectory,"Documentation","Examples","Phi4}]; When using QGRAF via the FeynHelpers interface we need to specify the full path to those files. For example,



QGModel->qgModel, QGLoopMomentum->l,QGOptions->{"notadpole","onshell"},




