FeynHelpers manual (development version)



PSDLoadNumericalResults[files] is a simple function that loads numerical results generated by the pySecDec script integrate__int.py into Mathematica. The argument files is the output of PSDCreatePythonScripts that contains the full paths to generate_int.py and integrate_int.py.

Furthermore, the function requires the options PSDComplexParameterRules and PSDRealParameterRules that must be assigned exactly the same values that were used when evaluating PSDCreatePythonScripts. From this information the function will recover the full path to the numres_*_mma.m file and load it.

The options Normal (set to True by default) and Chop (set to 10^(-10) by default) tell the function to convert the expression from SeriesData to a polynomial and to remove numerical artefacts.

The output for each integral is a list containing two entries. The first entry is the numerical result, while the second one provides numerical errors.

See also

Overview, PSDCreatePythonScripts.


files = {
    FileNameJoin[{$FeynHelpersDirectory, "Documentation", "Examples", "prop1LX11", "integrate_int.py"}], 
    FileNameJoin[{$FeynHelpersDirectory, "Documentation", "Examples", "prop1LX11", "generate_int.py"}]};
FCCompareNumbers[PSDLoadNumericalResults[files, PSDRealParameterRules -> {qq -> 1. , m1 -> 2. , m2 -> 3.}], 
  {-1.819085009768877 + eps^(-1), 0}, FCVerbose -> -1]
