FeynHelpers manual (development version)


FIRERunReduction[path] runs C++ FIRE on the FIRE .config file specified by path. To that aim the FIRE binary is started in the background via RunProcess. The function returns True if the evaluation succeeds and False otherwise.

If path represents a full path to a file, then this file is used as the .config file. If it is just a path to a directory, then path/topoName/topoName.config is assumed to be the full path.

The default path to the FIRE binary is FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications", "FIRE6", "bin", "FIRE6"}]. It can be modified via the option FIREBinaryPath.

See also

Overview, FIRECreateConfigFile, FIRECreateStartFile.


FIRERunReduction[FileNameJoin[{$FeynHelpersDirectory, "Documentation", "Examples", "asyR2prop2Ltopo13311X01201N1"}], FCVerbose -> 3]

FIRERunReduction: Full path to the FIRE binary:   /home/vs/.Mathematica/Applications/FIRE6/bin/FIRE6\text{FIRERunReduction: Full path to the FIRE binary: }\;\text{/home/vs/.Mathematica/Applications/FIRE6/bin/FIRE6}

FIRERunReduction: Working directory:   /home/vs/.Mathematica/Applications/FeynCalc/AddOns/FeynHelpers/Documentation/Examples/asyR2prop2Ltopo13311X01201N1/\text{FIRERunReduction: Working directory: }\;\text{/home/vs/.Mathematica/Applications/FeynCalc/AddOns/FeynHelpers/Documentation/Examples/asyR2prop2Ltopo13311X01201N1/}

FIRERunReduction: Config file:   asyR2prop2Ltopo13311X01201N1\text{FIRERunReduction: Config file: }\;\text{asyR2prop2Ltopo13311X01201N1}
