FeynHelpers manual (development version)


FSARunIntegration[path] evaluates a FIESTA script FiestaScript.m in path. To that aim a Mathematica kernel is started in the background via RunProcess. The function returns True if the evaluation succeeds and False otherwise.

Alternatively, one can use FSARunIntegration[path, topo] where topo is an FCTopology symbol and the full path is implied to be path/topoName/FiestaScript.m.

If you need to process a list of topologies, following syntaxes are possible FiestaScript.m[{path1,path2, ...}], FiestaScript.m[path, {topo1, topo2, ...}]

The path to the Mathematica Kernel can be specified via FSAMathematicaKernelPath. The default value is Automatic.

See also

Overview, FSAShowOutput, FSAMathematicaKernelPath.


topo1 = FCTopology[prop1L, {-SFAD[{{I p1, 0}, {-m1^2, -1}, 1}], -SFAD[{{I (p1 + q), 0}, {-m2^2, -1}, 1}]}, {p1}, {q}, {}, {}]
int1 = GLI[prop1L, {1, 1}]

FCTopology(prop1L,{1(p12+m12iη),1((p1+q)2+m22iη)},{p1},{q},{},{})\text{FCTopology}\left(\text{prop1L},\left\{-\frac{1}{(-\text{p1}^2+\text{m1}^2-i \eta )},-\frac{1}{(-(\text{p1}+q)^2+\text{m2}^2-i \eta )}\right\},\{\text{p1}\},\{q\},\{\},\{\}\right)


fileNames = FSAPrepareSDEvaluate[int1, topo1, FileNameJoin[{$FeynCalcDirectory, "Database"}], 
    FinalSubstitutions -> {SPD[q] -> qq, qq -> 20. , m1 -> 2. , m2 -> 2.}];
