KiraCreateJobFile[topo, sectors, {r,s}, path] can be used to generate
Kira job files from an FCTopology
or a list thereof. Here
is a list of sectors need to be reduced,
e.g. {{1,0,0,0}, {1,1,0,0}, {1,1,1,0}}
etc. The values of
and s
correspond to the maximal positive and
negative powers that may appear in the loop integrals to be reduced.
The functions creates the corresponding yaml files and saves them in
. Using
KiraCreateJobFile[{topo1, topo2, ...}, {sectors1, sectors2, ...}, {{r1,s1}, {r2,s2}, ...}, path]
will save the scripts to path/topoName1
etc. The syntax using
KiraCreateJobFile[{topo1, topo2, ...}, {sectors1, sectors2, ...}, {{r1,s1}, {r2,s2}, ...}, {path1, path2, ...}]
is also possible.
It is also possible to supply a list of GLI
s instead of
sectors. In that case FCLoopFindSectors
will be used to determine the top sector for each
The syntax
KiraCreateJobFile[{topo1, topo2, ...}, {sectors1, sectors2, ...}, {{r1,s1}, {r2,s2}, ...}, path]
KiraCreateJobFile[{topo1, topo2, ...}, {glis1, glis2, ...}, path]
is also allowed. This implies that all config files will go into the
corresponding subdirectories of path,
e.g. path/topoName1/config
The default name for job files is job.yaml
and can be
changed via the option KiraJobFileName
Overview, KiraCreateConfigFiles, KiraJobFileName, KiraIntegrals
= FCTopology[prop3lX1, {SFAD[{p1, m^2}], SFAD[p2], SFAD[{p3, m^2}], SFAD[Q - p1 - p2 - p3],
topo [Q - p1 - p2], SFAD[Q - p1], SFAD[Q - p2], SFAD[p1 + p3], SFAD[p2 + p3]}, {p1, p2, p3}, {Q}, {}, {}] SFAD
[topo, {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}, {4, 4}, FileNameJoin[{$FeynCalcDirectory, "Database"}]] KiraCreateJobFile
[topo, {
KiraCreateJobFile[prop3lX1, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0}],
GLI[prop3lX1, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1}]},
GLIFileNameJoin[{$FeynCalcDirectory, "Database"}], KiraJobFileName -> "job2.yaml"]