FeynCalc manual (development version)


QuarkGluonVertex[mu, a] gives the Feynman rule for the quark-gluon vertex.

QGV can be used as an abbreviation of QuarkGluonVertex.

The dimension and the name of the coupling constant are determined by the options Dimension and CouplingConstant.

See also

Overview, GluonVertex.


QuarkGluonVertex[\[Mu], a, Explicit -> True]

i g_s T^a.\gamma ^{\mu }

QGV[\[Mu], a]

Q_a^{\mu }


i g_s T^a.\gamma ^{\mu }

QuarkGluonVertex[\[Mu], a, CounterTerm -> 1, Explicit -> True]

\frac{2 i g_s^3 S_n \left(C_F-\frac{C_A}{2}\right) T^a.\gamma ^{\mu }}{\varepsilon }

QuarkGluonVertex[\[Mu], a, CounterTerm -> 2, Explicit -> True]

\frac{3 i C_A g_s^3 S_n T^a.\gamma ^{\mu }}{\varepsilon }

QuarkGluonVertex[\[Mu], a, CounterTerm -> 3, Explicit -> True]

\frac{2 i g_s^3 S_n \left(C_A+C_F\right) T^a.\gamma ^{\mu }}{\varepsilon }

QuarkGluonVertex[{p, \[Mu], a}, {q}, {k}, OPE -> True, Explicit -> True]

\Omega \Delta ^{\mu } g_s (\gamma \cdot \Delta ).T^a \left(\sum _{i=0}^{-2+m} (-1)^i (k\cdot \Delta )^i (\Delta \cdot q)^{-2-i+m}\right)+i g_s T^a.\gamma ^{\mu }

QuarkGluonVertex[{p, \[Mu], a}, {q}, {k}, OPE -> False, Explicit -> True]

i g_s T^a.\gamma ^{\mu }