Name: V. Shtabovenko Date: 11/12/19-07:22:02 PM Z


unfortunately, PHI is sort of broken since years, although some
functions still work. This is also the reason why we decoupled it
into a separate repository some weeks ago

The automatic generation of models is something that is
broken beyond repair, since it required extensive modifications
of FeynArts, which become increasingly cumbersome with the
newer FA versions.

Nowadays I would rather use FeynRules to generate the desired model
and export it for FeynArts. FeynCalc can deal with such models without
much effort.

If you then still need some PHI functionality that is not available
in FeynCalc (like SUNReduce or UTrace), I could look into it.


Am 11.11.19 um 21:05 schrieb Sayan Ghosh:
> Hello,
> I was trying to compute an Amplitude which contains pseudoscalar particles. I tried to use $LoadPhi=true and PseudoScalar class. In the Model I gave “Automatic”. I am getting an error message
> “Cannot open “Automatic.mod”
> Here is the line that I was trying to execute
> diags = InsertFields[
> CreateTopologies[0,
> 2 -> 2], {F[2, {1}], -F[2, {1}]} -> {PseudoScalar[0],
> PseudoScalar[0]}, InsertionLevel -> {Classes},
> Model -> “Automatic”];