Name: Vladyslav Shtabovenko Date: 04/01/19-04:24:22 PM Z

A follow-up on this 5-year old question: With FeynCalc 9.3 one can
input such scalar product using SP (or SPD), *if* the c-numbers
a and b are declared to have DataType FCVariable:

DataType[a, FCVariable] = True;
DataType[b, FCVariable] = True;
SP[a p1, b p2] // ExpandScalarProduct


a b Pair[Momentum[p1], Momentum[p2]]

as expected.


> Hi,
> I have a very simple question.
> I compute the scalar product of two vectors p1 and p2, but each of them multiplied by Reals a, b :
> i.e. SP[a p1, b p2]
> I expect (a*b p1.p2) but I get (a p1).(b p2)
> How do I tell FeynCalc that a,b are to be treated as Reals?
> Explicitly doing SP[3 p1, 4 p2] gives me 12 p1.p2 as expected.
> Thanks for any help.
> Shrihari