Name: V. Shtabovenko Date: 03/01/19-04:48:45 AM Z

The problem is that you have


while it should be


This is very weird, since FCFAConvert should normally handle that. What
versions of FeynCalc and FeynArts are you using?

Am 01.03.19 um 00:40 schrieb john:
> sure,here is the output of amps//FCE//InputForm:
> (g^2*MTD[Lor1, Lor2]*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], 0]*
> (MTD[Lor1, Lor2] - FVD[q, Lor1]*FVD[q, Lor2]*(1 - GaugeXi[V[Index[Generic, 3]]])*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], 0]))/
> (2^D*Pi^(D/2)) + (2^(1 - D)*g^2*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], ms*Sqrt[GaugeXi[S[Index[Generic, 3]]]]])/Pi^(D/2) -
> (g^2*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], ms*Sqrt[GaugeXi[S[Index[Generic, 3]]]]])/(2^D*Pi^(D/2)) +
> (((-I)*gc7*FVD[p, Lor1] - I*gc7*FVD[q, Lor1])*((-I)*gc7*FVD[p, Lor2] - I*gc7*FVD[q, Lor2])*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[p - q, D], 0]*
> (MTD[Lor1, Lor2] - FVD[p - q, Lor1]*FVD[p - q, Lor2]*(1 - GaugeXi[V[Index[Generic, 4]]])*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[p - q, D], 0])*
> PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], ms*Sqrt[GaugeXi[S[Index[Generic, 3]]]]])/(2^D*Pi^(D/2)) -
> ((gc11*GA[6] + gc11*GA[7])*(gc9*GA[6] + gc9*GA[7])*(mf - GSD[q])*GSD[-p + q]*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], mf]*
> PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[-p + q, D], 0])/(2^D*Pi^(D/2))
> Thanks in advance.