Name: xh Qin Date: 12/07/18-04:27:42 AM Z

i find it that \epsilon^{abc} \epsilon^{ade} could’t get the \delta^{bd} \delta^{cf} - \delta^{bf} \delta^{cd} by using the SUNF.
my code is below:
  In[87]:= SUNF[a, b, c] SUNF[a, d, e] // SUNSimplify
  Out[87]= f^(abc) f^(ade)

but if the same indice of \epsinlon is two or more, the result is accordant with the book.
and the code is also below:
SUNF[a, c, d] SUNF[b, c, d] // SUNSimplify[#, SUNNToCACF -> False] &
SUNF[a, b, c] SUNF[a, b, c] // SUNSimplify[#, SUNNToCACF -> False] &
N \[Delta]^(ab)
N (N^2-1)
Can you tell me why and how to do it?
Thank you! my e-mail is [981082662_at_HIDDEN-E-MAIL]