Name: V. Shtabovenko Date: 12/02/18-12:25:02 PM Z
I would probably try to cook up some replacement rule, like
FCI[LC[a, b][p, q] LC[a][r, s, t]
LC[b][r, s, t]] /. {
Eps[a_LorentzIndex, b_LorentzIndex, rest__]
rest1__] Eps[b_LorentzIndex, rest2__] :> 0
although I of course understand that with many terms this might be
The issue
is that FeynCalc is not a tensor algebra system, so it cannot put
certain expressions to
zero judging purely from their symmetry/antisymmetry properties. One
would need something like xAct, Cadabra, RedBerry etc. to handle that
Am 30.11.18 um 22:54 schrieb Pablo Sanchez Puertas:
> Hello and congratulations for the program and its maintenance,
> For some reasons, in my calculations it is way easier to keep the LC
tensors uncontracted up to the very end, so I prefer using
simplifications via EpsEvaluate[] and
> I found however that the following input
> EpsEvaluate[LC[a, b][p, q] LC[a][r,
s, t] LC[b][r, s, t]]
> does not produce a vanishing result (but same output as input)
despite this should be obvious from antisymmetry reasons. When using
> Contract[LC[a, b][p, q] LC[a][r, s,
t] LC[b][r, s, t]]
> of course leads to 0, but then it would contract other LC tensors in
my expression, that I prefer to avoid.
> Since the reasons for which is zero is only antisymmetry, I was
wondering if this could be easily implemented into my expressions.
> Best regards,
> Pablo