Name: V. Shtabovenko Date: 01/18/18-02:29:52 PM Z

Sorry, I forgot that the other part of your code also had some
syntax errors (missing Dots). Here is the full version:

$BreitMaison = True;

Deno[k_, m_] := FAD[{k, m}, Dimension -> D]
dm[mu_] := GA[mu, Dimension -> D]
dm[5] := DiracMatrix[5]
ds[p_] := DiracSlash[p, Dimension -> D]
ds2[p_] := DiracGamma[Momentum[p, D], D]
fprop[p_, m_] := ds[p] + m
fv[p_, mu_] := FourVector[p, mu, Dimension -> D]
po2[p_] := Pair[Momentum[p], Momentum[p]]
mt[mu_, nu_] := MetricTensor[mu, nu, Dimension -> D]

GaugeP[k_, m_, mu_, nu_] := (-I) Deno[k, m] mt[mu, nu]
FermiP[p_, m_] := I fprop[p, m] Deno[p, m]
ffZ[mu_] := (-I) g/cw dm[mu] .(gv - ga dm[5])
ffW[mu_] := (-I) g/Sqrt[2] dm[mu]. (1 - dm[5])/2

ampF1 := Contract[
   GaugeP[k, MZ, a, b].ffZ[b].FermiP[p + k, mf].ffZ[a]]
ampW1 := (-1) Tr[FermiP[k, mf].ffW[nu].FermiP[k

TID[ampF1, k]
TID[ampF1, k, UsePaVeBasis -> True, ToPaVe -> True]


Am 18.01.2018 um 18:08 schrieb Duarte:
> Thanks; so, the first problem is almost solved, except that now
> Feyncalc thinks that “Dimension -> D” is a Lorentz index; indeed,
> I get structures like the following:
> Overscript[\[Gamma], _]^b.Overscript[\[Gamma], _]^Dimension->D
> The second problem didn’t change at all; I get exactly the same error
> message.
> Am I doing something wrong?
> Best,
> Duarte