Name: V. Shtabovenko Date: 01/08/18-03:26:13 PM Z


just replace

Model -> “UnitarySM”,GenericModel->“UnitaryLorentz”

in diagsMuonDecayTree = …


Model -> {SM, UnitarySM},GenericModel->{Lorentz, UnitaryLorentz}

I’m not very eager to fix that old example, since for the upcoming
version of FeynCalc most of the examples have already been reworked and
renamed in a proper way:


Am 06.01.2018 um 19:29 schrieb [marco.niggetiedt_at_HIDDEN-E-MAIL]:
> Hi all,
> I recently came across a problem regarding the Unitary Lorentz Model.
> When opening an electroweak example from the FeynCalc examples folder
> (e.g. EWMuonDecayTree.m), where the UnitaryLorentz Model is used, an
> error occurs while generating the Feynman diagrams. The statement is
> „M$GenericPropagators: Definition missing in generic model file.“
> Since I am new to FeynCalc and Mathematica, I have actually no idea how
> to fix the error. Could you help me out?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Marco