Name: Vladyslav Shtabovenko Date: 08/21/17-04:03:31 AM Z
I think that the problem comes from the wrong summation over the
polarizations of the gauge fields.
You do know, how one correctly sums over the polarizations of a
vector boson including the choice of an auxiliary vector (c.f. e.g.
appendix A.1.1.6 of Boehm Denner and Joos, “Gauge Theories of the
and Electroweak Interaction”)
The replacement eps^mu eps^*nu -> - g^{mu nu} which corresponds to
DoPolarizationSums[exp, k, 0] is valid only in QED, where the
Ward-Identities ensure that cancellation of the unphysical degrees of
freedom. In QCD this replacement alone already does not work, unless
adds extra diagrams with external ghost-fields.
Since you added unphysical longitudinal on-shell degrees of freedom to
you matrix element squared, no wonder that the unitarity is violated.
How about this:
ms = FermionSpinSum[f fstar] /. DiracTrace -> TR // Contract
msquaredneutral =
DoPolarizationSums[DoPolarizationSums[ms, k2, p2], p2,
k2] // Simplify
Plot[msquaredneutral /. {mp -> 1, p -> 2}, {\[Theta], 0,
Am 21.08.2017 um 03:41 schrieb Maksym:
> Hi!
> I also have the same problem for the toy case
> f = SpinorUBar[p1,
> mp].GA[\[Nu]].(1 - GA5).(DiracSlash[k1 +
k2] +
> mp).GA[\[Mu]].SpinorU[k1, mp]
> k2, \[Mu]] PolarizationVector[p2,
> corresponding to the simplified process k1 + k2 ->p1+ p2, where k1
and p1 correspond to a particle with mass mp, while k2,p2 correspond to
gauge-like fields (k2-particle is coupled through vector-like coupling,
while p2-particle is coupled through axial-vector-like couplings). For
simplicity, I’ve neglected the second diagram, which isn’t relevant for
the present discussion and just complifies it.
> With the scalar products evaluated at p1+p2 center of mass frame,
> {ScalarProduct[k1, k1] = mp^2, ScalarProduct[k2, k2]
= 0,
> ScalarProduct[p1, p1] = mp^2, ScalarProduct[p2, p2]
= 0,
> ScalarProduct[k1, k2] =
> ScalarProduct[p1, p2] = (Sqrt[p^2 + mp^2] + p)^2/2 -
> ScalarProduct[k1, p2] =
> ScalarProduct[k2, p1] = Sqrt[p^2 + mp^2]*p +
> ScalarProduct[k1, p1] = p^2 - mp^2 -
> ScalarProduct[k2, p2] = p^2 (1 -
> and the code
> fstar = ComplexConjugate[f] /. {\[Mu] ->
\[Mu]C, \[Nu] -> \[Nu]C}
> ms = FermionSpinSum[f fstar] /. DiracTrace -> TR //
Contract //
> Simplify ;
> msquaredneutral =
> DoPolarizationSums[DoPolarizationSums[ms, k2, 0], p2,
0] // Simplify
> Plot[msquaredneutral /. {mp -> 1, p -> 2}, {\[Theta],
0, Pi}]
> I obtain that the plot for the squared matrix element
msquaredneutral is negative for values of Theta close to Pi. For other
values of p it may even not pass zero, which is also incorrect.
> However, if I replace DiracSlash[k1 + k2] + mp by
DiracSlash[k1 + k2] - mp, then the plot is positive for all
Theta’s and always tends to zero at Theta -> Pi. This is very strange
for me.
> What is the problem with my code?
> P.S. I’ve realized that the problem belonds only to the case of
axial-vector coupling, i.e. when the 1-GA5 projector is present. If
there is no this projector, then anything is ok.