Name: zhang Date: 05/26/17-04:52:14 PM Z

Hi, all,

When I run the examples notebook for Tarcer in
FeynCalc 9.1.0 and FeynCalc 9.2.0.

In[3]:= eg2[m_] := TFI[d, M^2, \[CapitalDelta]p, {m, 0},
       {{2, M}, 1, 1, {1, M},
         {1, M}}]

In[4]:= TarcerRecurse[eg2[1]]

Out[4]= -(((d-2)^2 (27 d^4-404 d^3+2175 d^2-4902 d+3776)
Tarcer`Private`dp (Subsuperscript[A, {1,M}, (d)])^2)/
(256 (d-5)^2 (d-4)^2 (d-3) M^8))-((d-2) (3 d-10) (3 d-8)
Tarcer`Private`dp Subsuperscript[J, {1,M}{1,0}{1,0}, (d)])
/(32 (d-5) (d-4) (2 d-7) M^6)+(d (3 d-10) (3 d-8)
Tarcer`Private`dp Subsuperscript[J, {1,M}{1,M}{1,M}, (d)])
/(128 (d-4)^2 M^6)

An internal parameter Tarcer`Private`dp shows up in the final expression rather than the expected \[CapitalDelta]p.
Is this a bug?

