Name: Vladyslav Shtabovenko Date: 07/10/16-06:33:26 PM Z

Hi Francesco,

indeed, thanks for your feedback. The Feynarts’ ScalarProduct seems to
appear only in generated models but not in the standard ones like
SM.mod. I added it to the conversion function, so it should work now



Am 10.07.2016 um 12:43 schrieb Francsco:
> Hi Vladyslav,
> thank you for yours suggestions.
> I implemented 8-dimensional operator with 4 fermions and 2 derivatives (via an auxiliary field). Everything seems work well expect when I have to convert the amplitude.
> This time, there are some momentum on the numerator and I think that the FCFAConvert function doesn’t convert properly the scalar products. In fact, I get some terms like (-k1).(k1 - p2) which is different form -Pair[Momentum[k1], Momentum[k1 - p2]]. With this last expression, I can simplify my expression using ExpandScalarProduct and using Mandelstam variables.
> As usual, you find my model and the notebook here