Name: Camila Date: 05/02/16-05:17:58 PM Z
I’m using the Feynarts 3.9 with the FeynCalc 9.0 (I also tested with development version) and I’m getting a problem to use the unitary gauge with the FCFAConvert.
I’m using: Model -> {“SM”, “UnitarySM”}, GenericModel -> {“Lorentz”,
and setting the unitary gauge in the following way:
CreateFeynAmp[dias, Truncated -> False,
GaugeRules -> {GaugeXi[Z] -> Infinity, GaugeXi[A]
-> Infinity,
GaugeXi[W] -> Infinity}],
IncomingMomenta -> {p1, p2}, OutgoingMomenta -> {k1, k2},
UndoChiralSplittings -> True, ChangeDimension -> 4, List ->
In the end the amplitude still depends on \xi_Z. I’m doing something wrong or this could be a bug?
Thank you very much!