Name: Vladyslav Shtabovenko Date: 04/12/16-03:05:11 PM Z

Hi Xing-Bo,

strange. Could you may be show me how your output of CreateFeynAmp[inserttops3] looks like?

In my case it is

FAFeynAmpList[Process -> {{F[2, {3}], FourMomentum[Incoming, 1],
      FCGV[“ML”], {-Charge, LeptonNumber}}} ->
    {{F[1, {3}], FourMomentum[Outgoing, 1], 0, {0, LeptonNumber}},
     {-F[3, {1, o}], FourMomentum[Outgoing, 2], FCGV[“MU”],
      {(-2*Charge)/3, (-2*ColorCharge)/Sqrt[3]}},
     {F[4, {1, o}], FourMomentum[Outgoing, 3], FCGV[“MD”],
      {-Charge/3, (2*ColorCharge)/Sqrt[3]}}}, Model -> {“SM”},
  GenericModel -> {“Lorentz”}, AmplitudeLevel -> {Particles},
  ExcludeParticles -> {}, ExcludeFieldPoints -> {},
  LastSelections -> {V[3]}][FAFeynAmp[GraphID[Topology == 1, Generic == 1,
   Particles == 1, Number == 1], Integral[],
  -(FAMetricTensor[Index[Lorentz, 1], Index[Lorentz, 2]]*
    FAPropagatorDenominator[FourMomentum[Outgoing, 2] +
      FourMomentum[Outgoing, 3], FCGV[“MW”]]*
    FermionChain[FANonCommutative[FADiracSpinor[FourMomentum[Outgoing, 1],
       0]], (I*FANonCommutative[FADiracMatrix[Index[Lorentz, 1]],
     FANonCommutative[FADiracSpinor[FourMomentum[Incoming, 1],
      FADiracSpinor[FourMomentum[Outgoing, 3], FCGV[“MD”]]],
     (I*FANonCommutative[FADiracMatrix[Index[Lorentz, 2]],
     FANonCommutative[FADiracSpinor[-FourMomentum[Outgoing, 2],

Does reinstalling FeynCalc (and thus also FeynArts) helps?
