Name: Vladyslav Shtabovenko Date: 07/13/15-11:38:55 AM Z
thanks for reporting this. The underlying issue is the same as in,
namely SPC not simplifying everything it should. I’m working on a fix.
As a workaround you can use
TID[Pair[Momentum[k1, d], Momentum[q1, d]]^2
PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q1, d], mt],
PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[p2, d] + Momentum[q1,
d], mt],
PropagatorDenominator[-Momentum[k1, d] +
Momentum[p2, d] +
Momentum[q1, d], mt],
PropagatorDenominator[-Momentum[k1, d] -
Momentum[k2, d] +
Momentum[p2, d] + Momentum[q1, d], 0]],
UsePaVeBasis -> True] // ToPaVe[#, q1] &
This simplifies the integral to PaVe coefficient functions, not PaVe
scalar integrals as TID does by default.
Am 12.07.2015 um 06:49 schrieb Xing Wang:
> Hi. I got an error when I try to use OneLoopSimplify to do tensor
reduction for a box integral.
> OneLoopSimplify[
> Pair[Momentum[k1, d], Momentum[q1, d]]^2
> PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q1, d], mt],
> PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[p2, d] + Momentum[q1,
d], mt],
> PropagatorDenominator[-Momentum[k1, d] +
Momentum[p2, d] +
> Momentum[q1, d], mt],
> PropagatorDenominator[-Momentum[k1, d] -
Momentum[k2, d] +
> Momentum[p2, d] + Momentum[q1, d], 0]],
> It says:
> TID::failmsg: Error! TID has encountered a fatal problem and must
abort the computation. The problem
> reads: tidSingleIntegral failed to achieve full tensor reduction in
d], 0], Propagat\[Ellipsis]
ID`Private`tidIsolate[203]]^3*Pair[Momentum[-k1 -
k2 + p2, d], Momentum[q1,
> Thanks in advance,
> Xing