Name: Ralph Date: 12/15/14-08:12:13 PM Z

Thanks for the suggestion Vladyslav, turns out FeynArtsDirectory was set to ./FeynArts-3.7/� and after I changed it seems to load ok. Is it possible for FC to process the output of FA so that traces are contracted etc? I tried the following:

t = CreateTopologies[0, 2 -> 2];��������
ww = InsertFields[t, {F[3], -F[3]} -> {V[3], -V[3]}];���
ampww = CreateFeynAmp[ww, Truncated -> False];��
tmp2 = Apply[List, ampww] /.
   FeynAmp[_, _, am_, _] :> (am /. RelativeCF -> 1) /.
  Polarization[a_, b_, _] :> Polarization[a, b]
enmomcon = k2 -> p2 + p1 - k1;
tmp3 = Explicit[Plus @@ tmp2, Gauge -> (1 - \[Alpha]),
   Dimension -> 4] /. enmomcon���


But all the gamma matrices etc are still uncontracted. Is there something else I should do, or is it not possible to convert the CreateFeynAmp output into the type of analytical expression you can usually get in FC?