Name: Rolf Mertig Date: 05/01/12-02:32:22 AM Z

I never liked those strange FeynArts QCD models, so I made my own and
put them into the Models directory of FeynCalc.

Please check also the gggg.m, qcdgluonse1.m and similar files in the
fcexamples directory of FeynCalc.

Your example could be done like this:

t12 = CreateTopologies[0, 5];
AA = InsertFields[t12, {V[5], V[5], V[5], V[5], V[5]} -> {},
   InsertionLevel -> Classes, GenericModel -> “FCQCDLorentz”,
   Model -> “FCQCD”]
tmp2 = Apply[List, CreateFeynAmp[AA, Truncated -> False]] /.
    FeynAmp[_, _, am_, _] :> (am /. RelativeCF -> 1) /.
   Polarization[a_, b_, _] :> Polarization[a, b]
enmomcon = p5 -> -(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4);
tmp3 = Explicit[Plus @@ tmp2, Gauge -> (1 - \[Alpha]),
    Dimension -> n] /. enmomcon
