Name: Peter Blunden Date: 08/29/11-05:03:46 PM Z

This bug is also fixed if you disable loading of FeynArts in the
FCConfig.m file.


On 2011-08-28, at 8:30 PM, YJZ wrote:


OneLoop[q, FAD[q, {q + k1, MC}, {q - k2, MC}]]
  I \[Pi]^2 C0[SP[k1, k1], SP[k2, k2],
SP[k1, k1] + 2 SP[k1, k2] + SP[k2, k2], MC^2, 0, MC^2]

OneLoop[q, FAD[{q, mg}, {q + k1, MC}, {q - k2, MC}]]

  I \[Pi]^2 C0[SP[k1, k1], SP[k2, k2],
SP[k1, k1] + 2 SP[k1, k2] + SP[k2, k2], MC^2, MC^2, mg^2]

The same function with different mass1, the result is different.