Name: TC Date: 08/04/11-07:37:51 PM Z

Okay so now I’m having the opposite problem, its not throwing out symmetric terms. For example:

In: FV[p, LorentzIndex[a]] FV[p, LorentzIndex[b]] Eps[a, b]

Out: p^a p^b \[Epsilon]^(a b)

In: Contract[%]

Out: p^a p^b \[Epsilon]^(a b)

In: Simplify[%]

Out: p^a p^b \[Epsilon]^(a b)

In: Calc[%]

Out: p^a p^b \[Epsilon]^(a b)

And in my actual calculation:

In: tr1=Calc[Contract[Tr[GS[p].GA[\[Mu]].(x2*GS[p]+GS[q]).GA[\[Beta]].(x*GS[p]+GS[q]).GA[\[Alpha]].(x1*GS[p]+GS[q]).GA[\[Nu]]]*LC[\[Alpha],\[Beta]]]/8]

Out: -((LeviCivita(\[Alpha], \[Beta], Dimension -> 4) g^(\[Alpha] \[Nu])
    g^(\[Beta] \[Mu]) Q^4)/(4 xb)) + … -((LeviCivita(\[Alpha], \[Beta], Dimension -> 4) g^(\[Alpha] \[Beta])
   g^(\[Mu] \[Nu]) Q^4)/(4 xb)) + …

Where the second term is zero and …’s represent the numerous terms I left out

I feel I’m missing some basic thing here that’s holding me back seeing as I’ve had this work properly in the past in different situations.