Name: Rolf Mertig Date: 05/09/07-03:52:39 PM Z

There is a patched version of FeynCalc for Mathematica 6
available here:

I ran (and saved as FeynCalcRef6.nb and FeynCalcManual6.nb)
the documentation (found in HighEnergyPhysics/Documentation/English).
Things seem to work fine.
I did have to delete from the System` context PartialD and do some
other (astonishingly minor) tweaks to FeynCalc in order to get it to work smoothely with Mathematica 6.

I did not, due to lack of free time, do extended testing.
I only checked on Linux.
Let others know if it works on Mac and Windows.

Remember that the support for FeynCalc is not funded by any
university or research grant and that Frederik and I do this
in our free time, out of fun.
If you want us to do specific work, or have special wishes, please
consider to donate money:

Or ask me to give Mathematica and or
FeynCalc courses at your institution.

Have fun with FeynCalc,

Rolf Mertig
GluonVisio GmbH, Berlin, Germany