Name: PaVe function Date: 04/29/06-03:57:05 AM Z

I have a little problem with PaVe function. Consider the follow

fd = Pair[LorentzIndex[\[Mu]1], Momentum[q1]]*
    FeynAmpDenominator[PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q1, D], MG],
      PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[p3, MB] + Momentum[q1, D], MB],
        Momentum[p3, D] + Momentum[p4, D] + Momentum[q1, D], MT]]

res2 = OneLoop[q1, fd]

I*Pi^2*(Pair[LorentzIndex[\[Mu]1], Momentum[p3]]*
   PaVe[1, {Pair[Momentum[p3], Momentum[p3]]

the result, in a form for the eye roughly, is

p3*PaVe(1, etc)+p3*PaVe(2,etc)+p4*PaVe(1,etc), with the same etc for
all. In my opinion should be p4*PaVe(2,etc) and only one term for
p3, or in other words , p3*PaVe(1,etc)+p3*PaVe(1,etc).

Sorry if my question does not make sense.