Name: rolf_at_HIDDEN-E-MAIL Date: 05/13/03-04:09:50 PM Z

Which version are you using?
The latest version does not exhibit this bug.
I shortened your code a bit, and I hope I did not dot introduce

Rolf Mertig

[rolf@colossos rolf]$ math
Mathematica 4.2 for Linux
Copyright 1988-2002 Wolfram Research, Inc.
 – Motif graphics initialized –

In[1]:= !!fct
ScalarProduct[p, p]=0; ScalarProduct[l, l]=0; ScalarProduct[o, o]=0;
BB = GAD[rho] . GSD[o] . GAD[rho] . (GSD[l] + GSD[o]) .
 GAD[mu] . (1 - GA[5]) . GSD[p] . GAD[nu] . (1 - GA[5]) . (GSD[l] + GSD[o]);
trBB = Tr[BB];
contrazioneBB = Contract[trBB*I*LCD[mu,nu,al,bet] FVD[p,al] FVD[o+l-p, bet]];
contrazioneBB = ChangeDimension[contrazioneBB, 4];
res1 = Expand[contrazioneBB /. D -> 4 + 2*eps]//FCI;

CC = GSD[o] . GAD[rho] . (GSD[l] + GSD[o]) . GAD[mu] . (1 - GA[5]) .
     GSD[p] . GAD[nu] . (1 - GA[5]) . (GSD[l] + GSD[o]) . GAD[rho];
trCC = Tr[CC];
contrazioneCC = Contract[trCC*I*LCD[mu,nu,al,bet] FVD[p,al] FVD[o+l-p, bet]];
contrazioneCC = ChangeDimension[contrazioneCC, 4];
res2 = Expand[contrazioneCC /. D -> 4 + 2*eps]//FCI;

Expand[res1 - res2]

In[1]:= <<fct

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Out[1]= 0