Name: Frederik Orellana Date: 09/05/00-01:25:17 PM Z

Thanks to Hidemi Akimoto for helping fixing this problem.
Below follows our mail exchange. Might be usefull untill
the next update is out.


>You did a nice fix!
>I could run the FeynCalc 4.1 on Mac 9.0. and
>do gamma matrix calculation without problems.
>You can put our small mail exchange, however
>could you put my another mail address
>[ahcky_at_HIDDEN-E-MAIL] instead of this address
>Thank you,
>Hidemi Akimoto
>>Hi again.
>>I localized the problem! Its again the different behaviour of
>>FileNames under Under Mac OS: FileNames[] returns a list of names
>>that start with “:”, which is not what we want, so we’ll have to
>>correct it: in FeynCalc.m, replace
>>(* get all the directories (like general, qcd, fctools, fctables *)
>>hepdirs = Complement[ Select[FileNames[], FileType[#]===Directory\&],
>>(* get all the directories (like general, qcd, fctools, fctables *)
>>hepdirs = Select[FileNames[], FileType[#]===Directory\&];
>>(* fix for Mac OS *)
>>If[StringMatchQ[$OperatingSystem, “*MacOS*”],
>> hepdirs = If[StringMatchQ[#, “:*”], StringDrop[#, 1], #] & /@
>>hepdirs = Complement[ hepdirs,
>>After that, you should be able to load without problems.
>>This fix will of course be included in the next update.
>>>Hi again.
>>>I now checked doing <<HighEnergyPhysics`fc` on a Mac and got the same
as you.
>>>The reason is that FileNames seems to behave differently on the Mac
>>>than under Linux. FileNames[directory] returns {directory} under
>>>Linux, but {} on a Mac. To fix, in the beginning of FeynCalc.m,
>>>If[FileNames[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory] == {},
>>> Print[“Could not find FeynCalc installation.
>>>Quitting the Mathematica kernel.”];
>>> Quit[]; Exit[];
>>> ];
>>>If[FileNames[”*“,HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory] ==
>>> Print[“Could not find FeynCalc installation.
>>>Quitting the Mathematica kernel.”];
>>> Quit[]; Exit[];
>>> ];
>>>However, unfortunately, then I got a lot of other errors… I’ll look

>>>into it and make sure the next update will run under MacOS. Any help
>>>is welcome :-)
>>>Cheers, Frederik
>>>>Sorry not to put additional information.
>>>>Mathematica is running on MAC OS 9.0 of
>>>>PowerBook G3.
>>>>The version of Mathematica is 3.0.
>>>>Yes, ‘HighEnergyPhysics’ is located in
>>>>the ‘AddOns/Applications’ directory.
>>>>I am wondering if I should do other setups.
>>>>Thank you,
>>>>Hidemi Akimoto
>>>>> Hi. Have you placed the directory ‘HighEnergyPhysics’
>>>>> in the ‘AddOns/Applications’ directory? If so, it
>>>>> should work. If not, you need to set the variable
>>>>> $FeynCalcDirectory in ‘FCConfig.m’.
>>>>> We have only tested on Linux, so there might be some
>>>>> issues with other platforms. Which system are you using
>>>>> (Solaris, Linux, Mac OS,…)?
>>>>> Frederik
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I have a question of FeynCalc 4.10.
>>>>>> When I start FeynCalc by issuing
>>>>>> <<HighEnergyPhysics`fc`
>>>>>> in Mathematica window.
>>>>>> It complains with the message
>>>>>> “Could not find FeynCalc installation. Quitting the
>>>>>> Mathematica kernel.”
>>>>>> and I can not start FeynCalc.
>>>>>> I need any other setup? If you have a clue, I appreciate it.
>>>>>> Thank you, Hidemi Akimoto