= "Ga -> Ga, QED, only UV divergences, 1-loop";
description If[ $FrontEnd === Null,
= False;
$FeynCalcStartupMessages Print[description];
If[ $Notebooks === False,
= False
$FeynCalcStartupMessages ];
= {"FeynArts"};
<< FeynCalc`= 0;
[9, 3, 1]; FCCheckVersion
\text{FeynCalc }\;\text{10.0.0 (dev version, 2023-12-20 22:40:59 +01:00, dff3b835). For help, use the }\underline{\text{online} \;\text{documentation}}\;\text{, check out the }\underline{\text{wiki}}\;\text{ or visit the }\underline{\text{forum}.}
\text{Please check our }\underline{\text{FAQ}}\;\text{ for answers to some common FeynCalc questions and have a look at the supplied }\underline{\text{examples}.}
\text{If you use FeynCalc in your research, please evaluate FeynCalcHowToCite[] to learn how to cite this software.}
\text{Please keep in mind that the proper academic attribution of our work is crucial to ensure the future development of this package!}
\text{FeynArts }\;\text{3.11 (3 Aug 2020) patched for use with FeynCalc, for documentation see the }\underline{\text{manual}}\;\text{ or visit }\underline{\text{www}.\text{feynarts}.\text{de}.}
\text{If you use FeynArts in your research, please cite}
\text{ $\bullet $ T. Hahn, Comput. Phys. Commun., 140, 418-431, 2001, arXiv:hep-ph/0012260}
We keep scaleless B0 functions, since otherwise the UV part would not come out right.
= True; $KeepLogDivergentScalelessIntegrals
Nicer typesetting
MakeBoxes[mu, TraditionalForm] := "\[Mu]";
MakeBoxes[nu, TraditionalForm] := "\[Nu]";
= InsertFields[CreateTopologies[1, 1 -> 1], {V[1]} ->
diags {V[1]}, InsertionLevel -> {Particles},
-> {S[_], V[2 | 3], (S | U)[_], F[3 | 4], F[2, {2 | 3}]}];
[diags, ColumnsXRows -> {1, 1}, Numbering -> Simple,
Paint-> None, ImageSize -> {256, 256}]; SheetHeader
The 1/(2Pi)^D prefactor is implicit.
[0] = FCFAConvert[CreateFeynAmp[diags, Truncated -> True, PreFactor -> 1],
amp-> {p}, OutgoingMomenta -> {p}, LoopMomenta -> {q},
IncomingMomenta -> {mu, nu}, UndoChiralSplittings -> True,
LorentzIndexNames -> D, List -> False, SMP -> True,
ChangeDimension -> True]
\frac{\text{tr}\left(\left(m_e-\gamma \cdot q\right).\left(i \;\text{e} \gamma ^{\nu }\right).\left(m_e+\gamma \cdot (p-q)\right).\left(i \;\text{e} \gamma ^{\mu }\right)\right)}{\left(q^2-m_e^2\right).\left((q-p)^2-m_e^2\right)}$$
## Calculate the amplitude
```mathematica[1] = TID[amp[0], q, ToPaVe -> True] amp
\frac{2 i \pi ^2 \;\text{e}^2 \;\text{B}_0\left(p^2,m_e^2,m_e^2\right) \left(-\left((1-D) p^4 g^{\mu \nu }\right)+2 (1-D) p^2 p^{\mu } p^{\nu }+D p^2 p^{\mu } p^{\nu }+4 p^2 m_e^2 g^{\mu \nu }-4 m_e^2 p^{\mu } p^{\nu }-p^4 g^{\mu \nu }\right)}{(1-D) p^2}-\frac{4 i \pi ^2 \;\text{e}^2 \;\text{A}_0\left(m_e^2\right) \left(-(1-D) p^2 g^{\mu \nu }-D p^{\mu } p^{\nu }-p^2 g^{\mu \nu }+2 p^{\mu } p^{\nu }\right)}{(1-D) p^2}
Check the gauge invariance
= Contract[FVD[p, mu] FVD[p, nu] amp[1]] // Factor
tmp [tmp, 0,
FCCompareResultsText -> {"\tThe photon self-energy is gauge invariant:",
"CORRECT.", "WRONG!"}, Interrupt -> {Hold[Quit[1]], Automatic}];
\text{$\backslash $tThe photon self-energy is gauge invariant:} \;\text{CORRECT.}
The UV divergence of the amplitude can be obtained via PaVeUVPart. Here we also need to reintroduce the implicit 1/(2Pi)^D prefactor. Hint: If you need the full result for the amplitude, use PaXEvaluate from FeynHelpers.
[0] = PaVeUVPart[amp[1], Prefactor -> 1/(2 Pi)^D] //
ampDiv[#, D -> 4 - 2 Epsilon] & // Series[#, {Epsilon, 0, 0}] & // Normal //
FCReplaceD[#, Epsilon] & // Simplify SelectNotFree2
\frac{i \;\text{e}^2 \left(p^{\mu } p^{\nu }-p^2 g^{\mu \nu }\right)}{12 \pi ^2 \varepsilon }
The self-energy amplitude is usually defined as (p^2 g^{mu nu} - p^mu p^nu) i Pi(p^2)
pi[0] = FCI[ampDiv[0]/(I (SPD[p, p] MTD[mu, nu] - FVD[p, mu] FVD[p, nu]))] // Cancel
-\frac{\text{e}^2}{12 \pi ^2 \varepsilon }
Keep in mind that Peskin and Schroeder use D = 4-Epsilon, while we did the calculation with D = 4-2Epsilon.
= -SMP["e"]^2/(4 Pi)^(D/2) Gamma[2 - D/2]/
knownResult ["m_e"]^2 - x (1 - x) SPD[p, p])^(2 - D/2)*(8 x (1 - x)) //
(SMP[#, D -> 4 - Epsilon] & // Series[#, {Epsilon, 0, 0}] & //
FCReplaceDNormal // SelectNotFree2[#, Epsilon] & // Integrate[#, {x, 0, 1}] & //
ReplaceAll[#, 1/Epsilon -> 1/(2 Epsilon)] &;
[pi[0], knownResult,
FCCompareResultsText -> {"\tCompare to Peskin and Schroeder, An Introduction to QFT, Eq 10.44:",
"CORRECT.", "WRONG!"}, Interrupt -> {Hold[Quit[1]], Automatic}];
Print["\tCPU Time used: ", Round[N[TimeUsed[], 4], 0.001], " s."];
\text{$\backslash $tCompare to Peskin and Schroeder, An Introduction to QFT, Eq 10.44:} \;\text{CORRECT.}
\text{$\backslash $tCPU Time used: }19.064\text{ s.}