FeynRules manual (development version)

phi3+phi4 model for FeynArts

Load FeynRules

FR$Parallel = False;
$FeynRulesPath = FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications", "FeynRules"}];
<< FeynRules`;

\text{ - FeynRules - }

\text{Version: }\;\text{2.3.49}\;\text{ (} \;\text{29 September 2021}\;\text{).}

\text{Authors: A. Alloul, N. Christensen, C. Degrande, C. Duhr, B. Fuks}


\text{Please cite:}

\text{ - Comput.Phys.Commun.185:2250-2300,2014 (arXiv:1310.1921);}

\text{ - Comput.Phys.Commun.180:1614-1641,2009 (arXiv:0806.4194).}




\text{The FeynRules palette can be opened using the command FRPalette[].}

Load FeynRules model

If[$FrontEnd === Null, 
   nbDir = DirectoryName[$InputFileName], 
   nbDir = NotebookDirectory[] 
frModelPath = FileNameJoin[{nbDir, "Phi34.fr"}];

\text{This model implementation was created by}

\text{Vladyslav Shtabovenko}

\text{Model Version: }0

\text{For more information, type ModelInformation[].}


\text{ - Loading particle classes.}

\text{ - Loading parameter classes.}

\text{$\backslash $nModel }\;\text{Phi${}^{\wedge}$3 + Phi${}^{\wedge}$4 theories}\;\text{ loaded.}

Create FeynArts model

FR$Loop = True;
SetDirectory[FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications", "FeynCalc", "FeynArts", "Models"}]];
WriteFeynArtsOutput[LPhi34, Output -> "Phi34", CouplingRename -> False];

\text{ - - - FeynRules interface to FeynArts - - -}

\text{ C. Degrande C. Duhr, 2013}

\text{ Counterterms: B. Fuks, 2012}

\text{Calculating Feynman rules for }\;\text{L1}

\text{Starting Feynman rules calculation for L1.}

\text{Expanding the Lagrangian...}

\text{Collecting the different structures that enter the vertex.}

3\text{ possible non-zero vertices have been found -$>$ starting the computation: }\;\text{FeynRules$\grave{ }$FR\$FeynmanRules}\;\text{ / }3.

3\text{ vertices obtained.}

\text{mytimecheck,after LGC}

\text{Writing FeynArts model file into directory }\;\text{Phi34}

\text{Writing FeynArts generic file on }\;\text{Phi34.gen}.